

"Let me take her," Ely said and took Emma from Ning's hand. 

Ning let the baby go, but he hovered around, looking at the two of them.

"Hi! Do you like mommy?" Ely asked as she made a funny smiling face towards the curious child. Emma smiled back and that brought joy to the entire room.

The adults gathered around, talking to the baby even though they knew she couldn't respond back. They all talked with their high voice to amuse the child and had fun

Everyone smiled, except Ning.

On his face was nothing but worry and confusion. He stuck around, hoping Emma would just fall asleep for now, but with the people all trying to talk to her, it was not possible.

"I must say, given how long she took, I half-expected her to come out looking older," Jung-Hee said. "At least, older than a newborn."
