
Barry's Bet

Two days went by and Monday arrived. Ning woke up early and went to the cafeteria to meet up with Saphandra.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm ready," Saphandra said.

"Are you not worried at all?" Ning asked.

"No," Saphandra said. "I will win."

Ning smiled. He liked seeing that confidence in her. Besides, he realized there was no reason to be scared. After all, she was one of the finalists in a competition that spanned galaxies.

"Well, you'll need to be careful still," Ning said. "I'm very much sure he double summons as well. I don't see how simply wind alone can bypass the barrier in the last fight."

"Don't you dare ask your system for the answer," Saphandra suddenly said.

"No, no, I haven't. I promised I won't. Geez, you need to relax a little," Ning said.

"It's hard to come across a match that I am excited for. I don't want you to ruin the surprises that lie ahead," she said.
