
Defend The Tower

"Defend the tower," Genesis spoke.

Ning looked back towards the black, almost pillar-like tower. 'We're supposed to defend this?' he wondered. 'From what?'

"Let me now explain the rules," Genesis continued.

"Next to each of your group is a tower, that if destroyed will mean that you lost the round. If that happens, you can think of yourselves as dead."

"The thing you will be protecting it from are monsters that will spawn every hour. The last 2 teams that remain standing will move on to the next round of matches," Genesis spoke.

Genesis was about to continue when his head turned slightly as if to look at someone.

"I am getting there," he said, probably answering a query from one of the group.

"One of your fellow participants asked what 1000 on the tower means. That is the health point of your tower. Each monster will be able to deal a certain amount of damage every hit, and that tower will be bearing it if you cannot stop it."
