

After killing his own father, Kain never remained the same. 

Soon after Kron died, Kain did his best to clear up any confusion and fabricated a story that said his father died from an old wound he got when he fought the beasts. 

The civilians ate that story up like a freshly baked cake. After that, Kain took the throne as the emperor of Xandria.

The empire felt saddened over their old emperor's death, but Kain's succession brought joy to all of them. 

While the empire rejoiced, Kain couldn't feel the same himself. The death… no, murder of his father had left a deep scar in him.

He would randomly wake up at night, the nightmares of his father's death still haunting him even when he woke up.

Every night, the nightmare came, followed by a screaming shout of his father's voice that called him a bastard as he had died. 

Kain would wake up, full of sweat in the middle of the night, scaring the empress who would also wake up.
