
Power Corrupts People

"Can you tell me a little more about him, senior? What happened to him?" Ning asked. 

"Sigh, it's the age-old tale of power corrupting people," Principal Singeer said as he shook his head. 

"Gassain family was a family of merchants in the beginning. They had made their name known quite wide and within a century, the then head of the family, Clive Gassain managed to get a noble status from Emperor Reen."

"Once he became a noble, Clive started to make his only son cultivate. Surprisingly, his son, Horom had great talent in cultivation, and thanks to his father's knowledge in merchant became great in both."

"By the time that Clive died, Horom had already become the head of the family and started getting bigger and bigger."

"After a few years, he sent Trebor to study with us. The boy showed great talent in alchemy and was going to be one of the finest for sure."
