
Do You Agree?

<The Energy System is back online>

<Punishment period has ended>

<Excess emotion amplification for Fear and Despair has been removed>

<Energy Absorption has been reinstated>

<Energy Abilities are back in use>

<Energy senses are back online>

<The system wishes a warm welcome back to the host>

Suddenly, Ning felt like he was alive again. It was someone who had taken a large stone off his chest and instead put a blanket on top of him. 

He had never felt this… free before. 

Suddenly, he appeared on the other side of the lake. He was missing both arms and most of the skins on his chest. 

"Heal me," Ning said. 

<Confirmed >

Ning suddenly felt relief as all of his wounds disappeared in a second. 

"Ahh, that feels much better," he said as he looked at both of his arms. "Should I leave or should I fight?" he thought. 

"Do I have enough energy? Status," he said to check. 

