
The Final Level

Adeline took a deep breath in to try to slow down her heartbeat. But the pressure was too extreme for her to be able to calm down. Her breath staggered even more. She was just given the last riddle and she only remembered half of it. And to top that, the time seemed to be passing very quickly.

She was pretty confident regarding her previous answers so she had to solve this last one in order to level up to the final part of the test.

She shut her eyes and tried to recall whatever she remembered. "It is dark and cold. It cannot move. It lives on Earth… And we can find treasures and history in it…" She scratched her head anxiously and thought of an answer, "Library? But why would a library be cold and dark…"

And in the next moment, her eyes beamed. "Cold and dark…" She recalled the first part of the test where she had found herself, she had found herself in the cold and dark place. "Of course!"
