
Chapter 6: Life In The Palace

"For a candidate, you're not very interested in being near me," he laughed softly. I turned to him, it was indeed the prince, he was standing one step above me. I'm sorry, but I don't know you yet," I replied. "We are both here for that, would you like to accompany me inside, I think the other girls can make it here on their own," he offered me his hand. I looked at him: "If I follow you, promise to let go of my hand as soon as we get inside." He nodded: "Anything you wish." We walked quickly down the red carpet and stepped through the double doors. As soon as it was closed, he let go of my hand as promised. He told me to sit on a bench in the hall so that I wouldn't have to wait standing up for my fellow riders. What he didn't tell me was that he was also sitting on the same bench. "Could someone please bring the lady a glass of water?" As I took the glass in my hands, I shivered slightly. I had completely forgotten how excited I was. "Don't worry, the press won't go beyond the palace building today, they won't bother us any further." I cleared my throat: "Don't you have to take care of the other girls?" My gaze pointed outside. "No, they can manage on their own. I'm sure they will." I took a sip and spat the water back into the glass. "Is there something wrong with it?" he asked, confused. "I'm sorry," I put it down beside me, "but I hate mint, especially in water.'' ''Good, I'll remember that in future," he pretended to write it down. That amused me, until now he was completely different from what I had imagined. So normal, almost like a human being. Now that I was so close to him I could see that he had inherited the same eye colour as me. "You have the same green in your eyes as I do." Did I just say that out loud? My plan was to make myself as scarce as possible, even unfriendly, and now I was looking for common ground. He laughed: "Yes..., you are a good observer. I confess a woman has never told me that before." Damn it, I had amused him, if I continued like this I would find him likeable too. Suddenly, for my benefit, a guard cleared his throat: Your Majesty, your father is very angry, you are to come back outside immediately. "I will be right back, I promise," he turned back to me, "Forgive me, but my duty calls, we must postpone our conversation." A small relief pulled at my lips and I smiled, he probably judged it as sympathy for him, but it was meant quite differently. His ash-blonde hair glowing as he stood up, he followed his attendant and staggered into the cheering crowd. Left behind, I wondered what to do. I couldn't give him false hope. I stood up and was stopped by a guard: "Miss, I must take you to the ladies' salon, the queen is waiting for you there." I don't have to stay here because...", he scared me with his spear. It was so close to me that I could have stabbed myself with it. "Don't talk back," he countered.

We walked through the corridor in silence. The palace was as enchanting as it was described. Gold ornaments, red velvet curtains, like a castle from ancient times. We were now standing in front of a room with double doors, probably the ladies' salon. When you face our queen, curtsey and always be polite, she loves protocol". Protocol?", question marks hovered before my eyes. But before I could get an answer one of the two doors was opened and I stepped cautiously inside. The queen sat prepared and had her attention on me. I tried to curtsy and bit my lip. Did she tell me if I should come closer? "So you're Maybelle, one of the contestants in this year's casting." Was this a statement or a question? "Yes...", I tried it cautiously. Come and sit with me, the other girls should be arriving soon," she tapped on the seat next to her. I sat down there. You dressed very plainly, was that intentional?" she looked me up and down. I instinctively pulled my feet together, she didn't need to see my ugly shoes. I have nothing else, Your Highness," I shrugged. She nodded and had that pitying look on her face: "I understand, then it really is worse than I thought, but don't worry, you don't have to be afraid anymore, here you are safe and you will get everything you want." She reached out a hand to me as if to comfort me, but I avoided her. You misunderstand, I am not afraid in my homeland, yes we are sometimes starving and depend on guidelines, but we all stick together. I don't need your pity," so I made a clear statement. She looked slightly offended, but hardly let on: "Of course, I apologise, my words were ill-chosen." The rest of the time we were both silent and waited for the others. These rich people were all the same.

I was in a room with the 40 other girls, they were talking to each other and I was so relieved not to be noticed. Since my arrival, I had hardly exchanged words with them and they with me. I was an outsider both inside and outside the palace. Although I was now allowed to wear colours and beautiful fabrics, it felt very wrong. I was too thin for most of the clothes, so the seamstresses had to re-sew everything. The food here was good, although the water was still served with mint, I took orange juice instead. The queen and I avoided each other expertly, there was this tension between us. I sat down by the window and made myself comfortable on the corner bench. The next moment the double doors on the other side swung open and an old lady in a dark blue costume, a pink scarf, a white blouse and high heels stepped into the centre. She carried a clipboard under her arm and stomped her shoe loudly on the red marble floor. Silence fell in the room and all eyes, mine included, were on her. She cleared her throat: Ladies, I welcome you here, I am Madame Orangerrinne, your confidant and contact person. I will also instruct you in courtly manners. This place you see here is the ladies' salon. You may always stay here without an escort. The King is very keen to provide security, so I would ask you to respect his wishes and not to wander around the castle without an escort at the beginning. Now let's move on to the film crew, they will accompany you throughout the competition. You can get lost here faster than you think. Once a week we check in with the people and watch the highlights of the past days together. If you fall in love with another person, you are immediately disqualified and have to leave the castle on the spot. If there are any questions, suggestions, requests, complaints you can report now." No one raised their hands, everyone already knew the rules, the queen had told us in her conversation. Good, then may I now give you the list of rooms, as you know, shortly before your arrival here in the palace we had water damage and had to renovate your rooms." The last few days we were put in the guest wing and slept with 4 or 5 girls in one room. What could I say, there had been great drama, I was blissfully happy that I would now have my own. All the girls rushed up to her and snatched the list from her.

My mouth was open, these creatures were behaving like the truly impossible. I didn't want to interfere and had to wait until everyone had dispersed. When I was the last one in the room, Orangerrinne said to me: "You don't need me anymore, I guess, I'll retire." I was left alone and with the note, I guess she didn't like foursomes. Like it was a surprise. I glanced at the list with my name on it. The second floor, room 7, ok now I just had to find both. I took the note and stepped out the door, a security guard looked at me and I pointed to the note. Maybe he could help me. "Follow me, Miss Woodstock," he led the way. I did as I was told and reached my room in no time. I thanked him kindly and opened the door. Here I would finally be all alone.

Later in the afternoon I wanted to go through the castle a bit, I knew I was breaking the regulation, but this was exactly what I had been waiting for. If I got caught, then I was quickly on my way home. I had two directions with two flights of stairs to choose from. For some reason, I was drawn to the left. I climbed the first ten stairs and stopped in front of a family portrait. It showed the Merh family, if I thought away from the crown and the origin, they seemed like a normal family. No, I corrected myself in my head, I hated that family, they were the reason we foursome were kept like animals. I turned back to the bannister and was startled, the prince was standing in front of me on the third step. "Interesting, I've been looking for you." This is not good, if he is looking for me not good at all. I bit my lip. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head: "No, everything is fine, my prince." I bowed, that's what they did here. "Nicolas, my name is Nicolas." "Everything is fine, Prince Nicolas," I repeated. You don't have to bow to me," he said nicely and looked at me with interest. I rose again, then he stepped down the steps and came to me: Why weren't you in the hall on the day of the reception? I told you that you could wait for me and the others there. I was asked to come to the Ladies' Salon, the Queen wanted to see me," I explained. I'm sorry, I've had these castings so often now, I didn't think of it," he said apologetically, raising his shoulders. It doesn't matter," I dismissed it. We were now both standing silently in front of the painting. I had to do something, the atmosphere was too harmonious: "I was going to walk through the palace by myself, so I'll see you sometime." I scurried past him, hoping he would admonish me, or that I would even meet the king himself. I gathered my dress and climbed the stairs. I'll see you sometime? I could not sink any lower. I had reached the top when a hand stopped me: "Stop this is the wrong way, if my father finds you, you'll be in trouble." Wasn't that exactly what I wanted? Nicolas was standing behind me, out of breath: "You're bloody fast, do you know that?" He wasn't angry, I was surprised, and he was still holding my hand. I took it from him again, but gently, and replied: "Well, I guess I'll have to go to the other staircase." I didn't want him to offer to accompany me. I ran back down the stairs, my dress sliding down like a waterfall. He called after me: "Good night, Miss Woodstock." I replied without thinking: "Good night. Prince Nicolas." When I was back in the corridor, I slapped my hand against my face. How could I have been so stupid? I'm not going to be nice to him anymore, the end of the road! I finally found my wing again and opened the door to the room. I threw myself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.
