
Clash of views

N and Touya looked at each other seriously until.

"Come out Sandile" they both said at the same time.

The N's Sandile came from the same desert or so it seems, since it came walking and was covered with a bit of sand.

"So you chose the same pokemon, we really are very similar" Touya said calmly.

"Sandile use bite" Touya said with a strong and clear voice.

"Do the same friend" said N calmly.

Both Sandiles attacked each other trying to hit the attack until.

"Scare him friend and use the land to gain advantage" Touya said with a serious tone.

Sandile did as requested and used leer and scary face to confuse the other Sandile, rendered him blind for a moment with sand attack and finally defeated him using bite.

"Well done friend, you can rest" Touya said calmly.

"Sand Sandile!" Sandile said happily.

"Thanks for helping me Sandile" N said to his Sandile and then heal him.

"Come Darumaka!" N said making a little Darumaka come from the desert as well.

"A little help Dewott" Touya said as he pulled Dewott out.

"Darumaka use fire punch" said N this time more seriously.

"Dewott scare him then dodge, use your element to propel yourself and finish him off with a razor shell" Touya said quickly.

Darumaka approached quickly and when he was close, Dewott used leer then water gun to propel himself and defeat Darumaka with a razor shell.

"Good job friend" Touya said giving a thumbs up.

"De Dewott!" Dewott said in a happy and proud tone.

"Good job Darumaka" N said to his Darumaka and then heal him as well.

"Come Scraggy help me with my goal" said N so that then a Scraggy appears from the desert as well.

'He really hates pokeballs' Touya thought a little surprised.

"Come Dewott, you can rest a bit" Touya said making Dewott walk and stay next to him.

"Come out Sawk" Touya said throwing a pokeball to the air.

Both pokémon got ready and...

"Sawk use double kick" Touya said quickly.

Sawk approached quickly and upon arrival.

"Scraggy use protection" N said seeing Sawk close enough.

A barrier appeared in front of Scraggy stopping Sawk's attack and rendering him defenseless for a second.

"Scraggy use low kick and then headbutt" N said quickly.

Scraggy did as requested and hit Sawk with both attacks doing some damage and then walking away.

Touya watched his movements carefully and said.

"Sawk jump up and use karate chop on him" Touya said confidently.

"Scraggy use protection" N said again.

Sawk approached from above so Scraggy had to use his barrier in that direction, causing it to be discovered around him.

"Go hard buddy and then turn!" Touya said with determination.

Sawk hit the barrier hard, but instead of staying in the air, he used the blow to turn 360 degrees, standing on the ground in front of Scraggy, all in less than a few seconds.

"Use low sweep!" Touya said quickly.

"Sawk!" Sawk said excitedly.

Sawk kicked and defeated Scraggy with ease.

"Good job friend" Touya said raising his right arm.

"Sawk" Sawk said doing the same.

"Your pokemon team seems happy ..." N said a little lost as he healed Scraggy.

"Not all pokemon suffer when fighting N, most like it" Touya said calmly.

"Still I want everyone to be free, I want them to be happy!" N said full of energy and determination.

Just at that moment, a large strangely shaped pokemon came flying from the desert.

Touya was surprised at this and pointed his Pokedex at him.

The Pokedex said strange things like that this pokemon is considered a guardian of the ancient city or an emissary, in addition to being a flying and psychic type and his name is Sigilyph.

"Come back Sawk, you can rest a bit" Touya said seriously.

Sigilyph radiates a mystical and mysterious aura, and just by looking at him you can tell that he is very strong.

"Go Sandile, you're the one with the advantage against him" Touya told Sandile.

"Sandile!" Sandile said, filling up with courage and energy.

They both got ready and...

"Sigilyph use tailwind" N said seriously.

"Sandile use torment" Touya said quickly.

Sigilyph caused a stream of wind to point towards Touya and Sandile, making his movements faster.

Sandile for his part, tormented Sigilyph with his attack, causing him to be unable to use it again.

"Sigilyph use air slash" said N with determination

"Sandile use sand tomb with his own wind" Touya said seriously.

Sigilyph slashed at Sandile knocking him unconscious, but Sandile managed to make a small impromptu sandstorm around Sigilyph, knocking him out of sight and causing him to cancel the tailwind.

"Well done friend, you did very well" said Touya healing Sandile a bit and returning him to his pokeball.

"It's your turn Sawk" Touya said seriously.

Sawk approached the battlefield and prepared for combat.

"Sawk get closer to him and don't stop" Touya said quickly.

"Sigilyph uses psybeam" N said quickly as well.

Sawk ran up to Sigilyph being hit by the psybeam which did a great deal of damage, but without stopping in any second due to his inner focus ability.

N was a bit surprised by this, but still reacted quickly.

"Sigilyph fly and dodge him" N said a little worried.

Sigilyph moved a bit off the ground but.

"Sawk use double kick to propel and finish him off with retaliate!" Touya said excitedly.

Sawk did the request by using a double kick on the ground and leaving a small crater and then arriving in front of Sigilyph, then covered in a yellow aura and gave a great blow to Sigilyph leaving him weakened.

"We won friend!" Touya said excitedly.

"Sawk!" Sawk said raising his right arm wearily.

Touya healed all of his pokemon and returned them to their pokeballs to talk to N.

"You are very strong..." said N a little downcast.

"However, a future awaits me that I must change and I will achieve it at all costs!" N said, filling up with hope.

N approached Touya and they both looked at each other seriously.

"I will defeat the same champion and I will not know defeat!, That way no one will be able to stop me from my goal of freeing the pokemon. Apparently you also want to be with your pokemon, well if so, come to the pokemon league!, There you can show me if you are capable of defeating me!" N said pointing at Touya confidently.

Touya just looked at him a little surprised, but he didn't say anything to interrupt him since it was all true.

"If your feelings aren't strong enough, you won't be able to beat me" N said and then left.

"Hey N!, Be careful with Ghechis, don't let him manipulate you" Touya said seriously.

N stopped to listen to Touya and then continued on his way.

And so the battle ends.
