
Rooting For The Underdogs

There was one dog who looked particularly depressed. The name card said his name was Arlo and that he was a five-year-old golden retriever/Australian shepherd mix. He was very cute but if he was this lethargic all the time, it made sense that no one would want to adopt him. 

Penelope tugged on Roman's hand. "What do you think of this one? I want to see if we can take him on a walk or something and cheer him up a little."

He eyed the dog skeptically. "You think anything will cheer him up? He looks like he's abandoned all hope."

"Remember what we read about rescue animals? Being in cages after being abandoned by their owners can cause a lot of stress," she reminded him. "Maybe he just needs some exercise. I'm going to go find a shelter worker."

Penelope let go of his hand and went off in search of somebody who could help her. The shelter website did say that you could take dogs you were interested in on walks. 
