
Zyos - 06



Casa- Whatever you call it, that's what Zyos sought to make. In a forest, the best option would be above a tree where he is far from the ground where many enemies and monsters crawl, but even so the trees are neither too great as he knew there were flying enemies on these types of games. If this was even a game to begin with! "Fuck." He kicked away at a tree's fallen bark on the ground, with his Copper Sword in hand, he easily cut through shrubs and continued to walk, listening closely to any noise around him since he didn't want to be surprise attacked out of nowhere! 'Maybe i should try to first find a source of water, but that would be a place full of monsters or animals if they need to drink water like i have to.' The [Rations] he had were plain meat jerky and a bit of drinkable water, but even so it would last him only one week.

He knew that conserving water was stupid, since a lot of people that get lost in deserts die of dehydration even with plenty of water to drink because they try to ration it. 'I'll drink some later.' His body was many times stronger than his previously humane and average body, now he was many times stronger than any normal human, however his level was low and his stats too. 'Even more so if this forest has monsters like that Agar...' just thinking 'bout him made Zyos shiver. He began to wonder if the World Boss would have his scent by now, which he probably did if the air around Zyos moved alongside him so he could breathe, so did his scent flow out of his pores. 'I shouldn't have done that.' He thought about a storyline he could make so in the future he would be a famous NPC, but now he almost regretted what he did-


'[Basic Woodworking]...' He checked the ring-

[Basic Tools Kit: A kit given to any exiled containing basic tools for everything they might ever need, most tools are used by several different Non-Combat Classes. Comes with instructions on how to use each tool, given by her Holy Majesty Queen F'yloth Aramanthy with the intent of giving the opportunity for those exiled to prepare themselves for a life back at society if they come to survive life in isolation.


Basic Woodworking Tools

Basic Farming Tools

Basic Smith Tools

Basic Alchemist Tools

Basic Herbalist Tools

Basic Tailoring Tools

Basic Guide Books: Woodworking, Herbalism, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Metallurgy, Alchemy, Farming.

Blank Books (×10)

'She seems like a good person, this Queen F'yloth Aramanthy.' Indeed, a Queen that prepares a kit with items that can be used by exiled people to prepare themselves to come back to society? That sounds too good to be true, in his opinion that is. Maybe she's just, i don't know, a saint? 'Pffft. As if.' At least there were blank books that he could use to make annotations for the future, but of he takes out this kit now and opens it, the he won't be able to store it inside the cursed ring again! "Home..." To be the most favorable home, it needs to be a place rich in soil and with water nearby, a large wall where upon he can make a cavern with great effort of maybe a large tree in the middle of a lake? Yeah, like he'd find something like that.

But he didn't stop looking for somewhere- And in the way, he found a monster too.

[Giant Duck: A large grey duck, carnivorous and with sharp teeth. Reckless and relentless, quite dumb.

Lvl: 50

Type: Beast

HP: 1,000/1,000

SP: 5,000/5,000

MP: 500/500


Strength: 100

Endurance: 50

Constitution: 50

Dexterity: 50

Agility: 50

Intelligence: -50

Wisdom: -10

Charisma: -10

Perception: -5

Luck: 0

And he was now running. This thing was stronger than him and he'd probably die in a single hit, so he did the smart thing and hid before running, sadly he caught the eye of the duck that ended up having a family to feed.

And so, he was now running for 5 Giant Ducks that eat meat and have fucking sharp teeth! 'Thank God for that skill-' Turns out [Run lvl 22] is a great skill, because he was faster than these ducks on the ground, but now they were flying after him and all he had was a fucking single Copper Sword that was worthless and a bunch of stuff he doesn't know how to work with! "Think." What he had? [Beastial Transformation] and-

[Bear Savagery]: Upon activation, this skill will grant +10 to all stats and put you in a Berserker state where you'll lose HP constantly, but will heal the amount of damage you deal halfed down.

Well, his stats in Agility, Strength, Constitution, Endurance, and Dexterity were [15], [25], [15], [15], and [15] respectively, which if he used both [Bear Savagery] and [Beastial Transformation], his stats physical stats would go to [37.5] for his [15] stats that would become [25] and his [25] Strength would go up to [52.5] while under the effect of +10 to all stats due to [Bear Savagery]. On the other hand his Wisdom would go to [35] while his Intelligence, Charisma, Perception, and Willpower would go [25], his Luck not being affected due to obvious reasons. But then the [Beastial Transformation] skill would apply the -50% to them al they'll come down to Wisdom [17.5], and the rest all be [7.5]... He had to consider his options quick, because he had fucking Giant Ducks coming after his ass!

Oh, how he wish time would just stop again! But the update had already gone by, as a Player-NPC, he also received the system updates, but they were minimal! He didn't even get an extra reward... He almost felt like crying if it weren't the large ducks of death wanting to eat his flesh. He was almost back in the forest, with a leap he managed to get to the trees, the ducks not caring as they went head first towards the trees- The only decent weapon he had were his claws, so he took advantage of the ducks lack of intelligence to activate his [Bear Savagery] skill and dash through the ducks on the sideline, slashing with his claws that almost growed longer and glowed with an eerie black light-

[Critical Hit!]

He hit the neck of one of the ducks, the other 4 managed to get out of the way faster than him.

[Natural Weapons: Claws + Darkness Affinity + Critical Hit (×2 Damage) + (New) Darkness Embrace + Hunting (2%+ Damage Against [Beast] type Monsters) - Combo 5×!]

He retreated back to the dense forest while the other ducks quacked angrily, flying through the canopy to hunt him down for damaging one of them- Oh, no, killing one of them! The way he attacked, the place he attacked, and the skills used to attack ended up killing the duck. "... What?"
