
Zyos - 04


Three letters that represent the word Non-Playable Character, a character you cannot play as, only interact with and maybe slaughter.

Then how the fuck is he a fucking NPC!? He is playing a character! His character, how did he become an NPC!? After finding the lack of [Log Out] really, really concerning, he tried to contact the Developers but he did not find the message box on his system. There was only his [Status], his limited [Configurations], and the [NPC System] on the side. Okay, he is trapped in a game as a NPC, not the worst thing that has happened to him yet.

He calmed down as he tried to make the best of it- First off, he looked through his [Status] to see if there was anything that could help him.

Name: Zyos Zearen Zavyr

Age: 20

Race: Bear-Folk (Ghra-Ken)

Class: None

Lvl: 05

Occupation: NPC

Reputation: Unknown

Titles: [Dungeon Explorer], [Cold Blooded], [Magic Blood Fed]

[HP: 87.5/87.5] (Con 5×)

[SP: 75/75] (End 5×)

[MP: 75/75] (Int 5×)


(+10 All: Ghra-Ken | +10 STR/WIS: Bear-Folk)

NPC: +1 Stat to All for ever 1 Lvl, No Extra Stat Points.

Strength: 25

Endurance: 15

Constitution: 15

Dexterity: 15

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 15

Willpower: 15

Luck: 15

Perception: 15

Skill List:

Racial Skills:

[Beastial Transformation]: Transforms the body of the Beast-Folk into their primal state, that of their natural animal. The Beast-Folk then enters a berserker state of mind, where they cannot identify enemy from friend, attacking anything in their sight.

(+50% All Physical Stats, -50% All Mental Stats)

[Bear Strength]: Your carrying weight is tripled based on your [Strength] stat.

[Bear Savagery]: Upon activation, this skill will grant +10 to all stats and put you in a Berserker state where you'll lose HP constantly, but will heal the amount of damage you deal halfed down.

[Earth's Affinity]: All Bear-Folk have a natural Affinity to earth, increasing damage dealt by magma, nature and earth based skills or spells by 10%.

[Natural Weapons: Claws]: You have claws that you can use to slash and cut through your enemies.

[Cursed] - Your very body is filled with chaotic energy, making so your power is the power derived from the Ancient Evil itself.

[Marked] - Your skin bears the mark of your curse, be it a unnatural tone, or glowing tattooes, with just one look anyone can tell you are a Grha-Ken.

[Darkvision]: You have darkvision up to 120 around you.

[Darkness Affinity]: All Ghra-Ken have a natural Affinity to darkness, increasing damage dealt by darkness based skills or spells by 10%.

Active Skills:

[Inspect lvl Max: You can see the information of your target.]

Passive Skills:

[Run lvl 22: Increases your movement speed and decreases Stamina consumed while running by 22%]

[Carry lvl 18: Decreases the consumption of Stamina when carrying over your maximum weight capability by 18%]

[Intimidation lvl 30: You know how to use your appearance to scare and intimidate your enemies. Has 30% chance to cause the [Cower] condition and 15% to cause the [Fear] condition. Those 10 levels higher than you are not affected by this skill.]

[Hunting lvl 2: You known the basics hunting and finding prey, Increases your damage to [Beast] type monsters by 2%]

[Basic Woodworking lvl 1: You are an amateur at working with wood, but you know the basics!]

Title Skills:

[Dungeon Explorer]: You've explored a Dungeon before, so you naturally know your way within Dungeons!

(Provides mental minimap for Dungeons You've explored)

[Cold Blooded]: Your emotions do not interfere when they aren't needed, it's kill or be killed, nothing else matters.

(Negates [Fear], [Cower], [Confusion], [Stunned], and any other negative mental condition)

[Magic Blood Fed]: You were fed magical blood while growing up, your body has adapted to it and now it fills your body. Your [HP] is increased by 50% your [MP]. Your body is considered magical.

Class Restriction: Any lightweight class: [Assassin], [Ranger], [Thief].

Divine-Based Classes such as [Paladin], [Cleric], [Priest] and others.

Well... He had something to work with. As far he learned, NPCs could get classes, but according to the [NPC System] that he received, only [Known] NPCs could get a class, and since he was just an [Unknown] NPC, he couldn't get one. But hey, based on his backstory he received titles and appropriate skills! Talking about his backstory, he learned a few things from it thanks to the [NPC System] that had a guide somehow... He now was an NPC, and NPCs only have 1 fucking life, but they give quests at least. Ah, right, quests.

To give a quest, he needs to prepare it first, select the rewards and the requirements for its conclusion, even hidden ones, before setting up the process and type of quest he wants it to be. At the moment he couldn't give quests because there were no players, like, Zero players! He found out a few secomds ago when a flashing red screen appeared before his eyes saying:

All Players.

Announcement: Servers will be shutting down for maintenance in 10 minutes, we urge you to log out and wait for the update. Once you log back in, you will receive a gift.

And 10 minutes later, he was still here.

Because he wasn't a player! But an NPC, he saw how the world came to a crawl before it stopped, his surroundings turned grey and he walked around, looking at things. They seemed to be frozen in time, but he wasn't frozen at all, meaning he was immune to whatever the fuck was happening right now! "Weird shit." As he walked around in this world frozen in time, he began exploring this forest... He touched the leaves of bushes and they moved under his touch, his fingernails were sharp black claws that he easily used to cut through the leaves, they simply stood there, floating but now cut in half. "Does this work on monsters?" He began searching for said monsters, and he successfully found one- The problem?

It was a large fucking black wolf with two demonic horns on its fucking head!

World Boss:

Agar, the Black Beast

Description: Born from one of the shards of the Ancient Evil Agar has been a menace to Elven society for years now, he is a chaotic beast that cannot be defeated alone. Resistant to both magical and physical damage, this creature is a demonic entity of high power.

Lvl: 150

HP: 100,000,000/100,000,000

SP: 100,000/100,000

MP: 100,000/100,000

Legendary Skills:

Chaotic Howl:

[2,000 MP]

Howling, Agar can release the energy from his shadow to pull anyone within range towards him and scramble them randomly throughout the battlefield, breaking formations easily. Does not affect his Wild Pack.

Shadow Hopping:

[5,000 MP]

Jumping from shadow to shadow, Agar can unleash a sphere of magical power towards a target each time he jumps out of/into a shadow, dealing a minimum of [5,000] Magical Damage.

Demonic Release:


Once Agar is downed to 50% his HP, he will unleash his demonic nature, entering a berserk state in which his body grows at an alarming rate, his form becomes fully enveloped in shadow tendrils. Unlocks skills [Ravage], [Entanglement of Darkness], and [Destruction].

Passive Skills:

Pack Leader: Boosts pack morale by 50% whenever in range.

Pack Tactics: Deals 20% more damage when fighting alongside its pack.

Magical Resistance: Takes 50% less damage from magic spells.

Physical Resistance: Takes 50% less damage from non-magical weapons.

Frightening Presence: Causes the [Cower] condition when in sight, once attacked by, has a 5% chance of triggering the [Fear] condition.

Sealed Skills:


[10,000 SP]

Agar the Unsealed attacks every creature (Even his own) within range with his dark tendrils.

[Entanglement of Darkness]:

[20,000 SP]

His tendrils wrap around any target they can, inducing the [Incapacitated] condition, making so the player cannot move for 1 minute. They also take damage for the duration of this minute.


[50,000 SP]

Agar unleashes a mighty explosion of energy all around him, destroying the terrain and dealing massive necrotic and dark damage, any surviving enemy is cursed with the curse of [Weakness]

The fuck?
