
Son of Gaia (#2)

[Trigger Warning: Non-Graphic Descriptions of Rape and Mind Control, as well as Cheating and Abusive Relationships]

He sighed as he sat down, he had to find his children no matter what- His family was the most powerful Werewolf family for a reason after all, if his kids are in danger, then a disaster will happen! Not only will he probably lose control over himself, but his babies will probably let loose as well, destroying everything around them. This is his family's secret... Him, Freyir, and his children, Halir and Skalir, are vessels for the Gods Fenrir, Hati, and Skoll respectively! Him, being the vessel for the Chained Oblivion himself made his internal wolf the personification of the doom and misery of the Asgardians, fear and death in one creature. His eyes were already changing into the dark red color that his wolf's eyes had- He was slowly loosing control, he just wanted to murder something.

"Dear?" The sweet voice of his beloved wife called out to hkm, making him stop- (NO!) something deep inside him cried, he heard the shackles and chains shake as he shaked his head, something was wrong and he knew it, something deep inside his mind- "Dear, calm down please!" She cried, but her voice sounded much more different from what he remembers, her sweet tone was replaced by hissing, her sweet scent was replaced by a fish and ocean smell, her beautiful skin suddenly had this blue glow to it, like scales- "Who the fuck are you!?" He roared as his hands turned into claws, he tried swiping towards the woman, but his hands stopped before they could hit her as she grinned: "Ah... You almost broke free from the spell, didn't you? Don't worry, I'll put on another one... Stronger this time." He felt dread as her fingers slowly approached his forehead and her other hand reached out for his crotch- He remembered all the nights where he didn't feel like having sex, but she "convinced" him...

His stomach tossed and turned- He was raped?

Oh no-

His body couldn't move, he was like a puppet, the Fenrir inside him was suddenly asleep? His eyes stared at the woman as she chuckled: "Ah... It qas hard to create a connection to your little wolf, but after several tries~" Her hands grasped his crotch, making him wince at the pain of her nails- No, claws, sinking into his skin. "But it worked!" Her smile widened as her fingers slowly drew a small symbol on his stomach, saying: "Now you belong to me... Dear~" He now knew what she was, he had read about her many times: The Goddess of Sirens, Seraphon.

-Scene Cut-

Eric patted the head of the twins as he nuzzled closer to him- He had to find their father quickly, they weren't exactly easy to protect, but now that he was in his apartment he decided it: "I'll move into my bar." He already planned what to do! He would make a house above the bar, easy, but he needed a Carpenter, since the building itself already had a second floor above, he just needed to adjust it to his liking. He read the through some descriptions of some carpenters through the [Job Apply] site, where you coule find any type of worker, from Lawyers to Hookers, which were not surprisingly common, since there was also the "sample" videos or images that you attach to your page.

He stopped at an old page- A 0 stars Carpenter, no one had contracted him, and when he read the reviews, he understood it:

[He's scary as fuck- Canceled!]

[Like, who the fuck can be so scary!?]

[Okay, don't contract this guy, he's definitely evil or something.]

[Trash service!]

[Fucking bitch didn't do anything good, it broke before i could even use-]

And there a bunch of other reviews calling him evil, scary, surprisingly hot, and definitely a murderer, and there were also suspiciously low and deliberate reviews...

Like he was review bombed for some reason.

So, of course, Eric was curious! He coukd defend himself, and now with Treevor with him, he could defend the kids as well. "Let's see..." He looked through he sample images, but there were only images of his work that looked very good! And, he was cheeper than most carpenters on this site.

He decided to give it a shot.

-Scene Cut-

Standing before him was a 8'2 tall, muscular, huge man with a giant scar that went down his left eye and into his right rib, cutting through his bare chest and his throat, as well as his mouth and nose. "Is this the residence of Eric Dásos Green?" His voice was deep, so deep that even Adelle couldn't roll in it, husky and sexy in a way that made him tremble unsure if it was his slight arousal or if it was the man's voice itself that entered his bones. "Ah, yes!" He was in the bar [Forest Sip], the twins were behind the counter as he led the man inside, who had to duck his head so he wouldn't hit it on the door.

"Well, this is the first floor... What i want your help with is the second floor, to transform it in a cozy home!" Eric turned to look at the man, who had his whole focus on him, which for some reason made him giddy. "Follow me please!" He walked upstairs while the man had to duck his head once again to be able to go inside, he felt bad about such thing but there was nothing he could do about it. "Here we are..." The second floor was a mess, it would take a while to clean and make custom made furniture for this floor, but Eric had the money and he had the space! "You want me to do the whole floor...?" The man asked, his head tilting to the side, exposing more of his giant scar- Eric wonders how he got it?- looking strangely adorable.

"Well, yes! I want custom furniture for the whole first and second floor, i think it's time to change the look of this olacr y'know?" Eric chuckled to himself, his hand opening as he stared at the man, saying: "I'm a person who's good with wood too, so if you need material-" From his hand, a silvery wood block appeared, this was the rare Moon Tree, a tree that had magical properties of imitating the moon's glow and soothe werewolves! The man's eyes glowed in curiosity as he reached out for the block of wood, now Eric understood why people were afraid of him! He had this deep gaze focused on the wood in his hand, his eyes glowed in a dark golden light as he stared at it for far too long...

"Well, I'll leave you to it, okay?" Eric turned around to leave, but the man stopped him by placing his giant hand on Eric's shoulder, making him stop and look back- The bearded, taller man smiled st him (And fuck, his smile was so adorable) as he said: "Thank you... For trusting me." Eric knew why he was so thankful- He reminded him of himself, how helpless he was with his father, how he wanted help from anyone who could help him.

He confesses that he wanted to help this guy just because he reminded him of himself, but also because he wanted to give this man an opportunity for business! If he liked his work, he would hire him to make more products, and if he doesn't want make furniture all the time, he can definitely be a bodyguard or a simple guard on this bar! There aren't many clients here and now, but he'll definitely get more in the future.

And if they both fail... He can always warm his bed, if you know what i mean.

-Scene Cut-

Bharkros Semdyl stared at the second floor that his contractor asked him to take a look at- It was a little bit of a mess, but nothing he couldn't dsal with! His mind already made the calculations, he could put a really nice table here, a soft and detailed statue of a wolf here, a few little carved animals around there, and a big bead statue over there! But this was the customer's choice, so he couldn't go crazy and make this room the way he envisioned it to be. His large hands turned into thick black claws as brown fur grew on his hand, he tapped the claw on the walls to see which one was hollow so he could maybe offer the costumer a secret elevator? He made one of those before, and it was so fun to make!

But what he couldn't shake out of his mind was how soothed and relaxed he felt around Eric, his contractor. He was adorable to his eyes, even the Brown grizzly bear inside him agreed, he was a very aggressive bear most of the time- He hated when someone looked at him in the eyes, but when their employer looked at him in the eyes, Bharkros Semdyl- Oh dear Gods, he felt like he could fly! He felt like a butterfly, like a sweet, sweet dream was coming to the climax and e wanted to dive deep into his arms and do undesirable things to him, with him, and for him.

'You're really a soft teddy bear...' He heard his bear huff in annoyance, denying that he was, in fact, just a cuddly bear that wanted a mate to hug and have puppies with. "Well... Time to work i guess." He stared down at the rare Moon Tree and smiled, he had a collection of rare woods back home, and there were many more he wanted to collect, and THIS one was one of the few he couldn't get his hands on! Just this was enoguh to pay for his services, but then again, he had bills to pay- After what happened, he couldn't get a job due to the bad reviews that bombarded his page on [Job Apply]... He knew who paid these keyboard warriors to make these bad reviews of him, and the reason was very, very petty.

I mean, he just broke up with her!

And she qas cheating on him in the first place.

Like, she used the excuse of 'I'm a fey! I can't be monogamous-' When there were thousands of monogamous feys out there that completely disagree with her argument and stereotypes about the Fey creatutes of the Fantasia group. She was with him only for "His big, thick cock that can break me in half", her words, not his. To be used just for his body was a little impact on his self-esteem because he hated how he looked, and when he finally has someone who he thinks loves him, they're with him just because of the thing between his legs and not for who he is. And that's frustrating and irritating at the same time.

"But he's cute..." He groaned, thinking about his boss like thag made his bear excited, which he hasn't been ever since they found out he was being cheated on, wearing a green hat, growing a pair of horns, whatever you call it. His bear was excited about the THOUGHT of having his boss as his Mate- Which was something just to think about, and never reveal.


His hands closed in a fist as his claws sank into his skin and muscle, he pressed his claws further until he started bleeding, that was when he heard: "Oh, you're bleeding! Are you okay?" As his Boss appeared from behind him out of nowhere! He looked at his hand that was bleeding, his hand that was being held by his boss as his boss's hands glowed in a green light and his wound was cleaned and closed by magic- He mustn't know that Bharkros is in fact, a Shifter, right? "There, all good." He smiled at him, and that was the moment that he cursed inside his mind- fuck, he can't! He's adorable, and there's this weird pull that just makes his bear want to get closer, he almost dropped to his knees and hugged his boss, or fucked him...

That option aroused both him and his bear.
