
First Win Of The Season

~~~(POV: Ulysses Kennedy)~~~

~~~(Date: October 20th, 2026)~~~

~~~(Location: Madison Square Garden, New York)~~~

~~~(Time: 9:54 PM)~~~

The game is over, and the crowd is screaming. Tatum couldn't even get it past half-court from my defense in the final 1.5 seconds. The game has ended at 122 to 121 in favor of The Knicks. My team. I've made history with my NBA Debut.

I scored a Record-Setting 62 Points, 13 Rebounds, 14 Assists, 3 Blocks, and 1 Steal. That's the greatest first game in the history of the NBA.

"We've done it! We've beaten one of the best teams in our conference!"

Robinson is more than happy to voice what we're all thinking as we celebrate on the court. The fans are going crazy. Screaming and cheering at the end of the first game of the season.

Before I say anything to my team, I break free from them and run toward Hannah and Ellie, who are waiting by the bench. I pick up my girlfriend in my arms, and I'm hearing her cry into my ear.

"I love you... I love you so much..."

She's choking on her words, and I can't help smiling. I let Hannah go and turn to Ellie. Tears are pouring from her eyes, and I bring her into a hug too.

"You've done it... You're here, Ulysses..."

The hug from her gets tighter as she talks. I look over to the crowd where they were sitting and see Bianca and William. The little guy is looking way better than he did the last time I saw him. He's cancer free now.

I wave them over, and they hesitate. But after some encouragement from some nearby fans. They make their way onto the court, and I get on one knee.

Even now, on my knee, I'm still taller than William.

"How was that for my first game?"

A big smile comes from the little man.

I stand up, and before going back to my team, I kiss Hannah's forehead and give Ellie one more hug. My mind drifts to the system mission, and while I'm curious about my reward. Celebrating the hard-earned win is more important.

The entire Boston team has already left. They didn't stick around for any sportsmanship and good games. But no one is obligated. In fact, I like that attitude. It makes our next match-up with them all that much more anticipated.

Time to head to the locker room and celebrate. It's not winning the finals. But damn, does it feel fucking good to win our first game of the season as we did.

~~~(POV: Hannah Fiona)~~~

~~~(Date: October 20th, 2026)~~~

~~~(Location: Madison Square Garden, New York)~~~

~~~(Time: 10:02 PM)~~~

I'm in a state of euphoria as Madison Square Garden is slowly clearing out. Ellie and I are still sitting in our seats, and William and Bianca are next to us.

All of his hard work has paid off. That was one of the most intense and entertaining games I've ever seen. He was perfect from the field. He didn't miss a single shot. He's set so many records in his first game of the NBA.

"I can't wait until we get to watch your first Gymnastic meet."

Ellie reminds me that I have an entire life away from all this. Tomorrow, it's my first day at NYU, and I'll be on my sports Scholarship.

My first meeting later this week is a day Ulysses doesn't have any games. Ellie and him will both be there. The swelling of happiness and joy in my heart can't be stopped, and I find myself crying my eyes out. Before I know it, Ellie and I are hugging.

"Don't leave me out of it!"

Bianca starts crying, too, and we all start hugging each other. Bianca and I have stayed in contact, and we're best friends.

William is looking at us awkwardly, and we stay this way until we get the tears out of our system. Bianca will be going to NYU with me from the leftover money from the Go-Fund Me we set up for them.

"Oh my God! My little boy is in the NBA!!"

We all laugh as Ellie lefts the lid she keeps on tightly loose. This is one of the best moments in Ulysses's life. And our lives will only continue getting better. There is so much ahead of all of us, and I can't wait for everything to keep getting better.
