
William Jones II

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

~~~(POV: Bianca Jones)~~~

~~~(Date: January 25th, 2026)~~~

~~~(Location: Hospital that William Jones is staying at, LA)~~~

~~~(Time: 12:50 PM)~~~

My stomach turns, and the room spins as I see the number shoot past 4.5 million dollars raised... My eyes lift from my phone, and I look at my little brother... "Why are you crying so hard, Bee? Is something wrong?" I weakly walk towards him and wrap him in my arms. He's fragile and weak, so I make sure I'm gentle. The tears stream down my face for the 4th time today...

This changes everything... William and I will never have to worry about his medical bills again. He grabs my phone from me as I just hug him, and he looks. "Wow, someone is getting 4.65 million!" He doesn't know that it's him. I crawl into the medical bed with him and lay next to him, and as he holds the phone, I scroll the page up, and he sees it's for him.

There are several pictures of Ulysses and him, but there is an equal amount of pictures with just William and me... "All of this is for you, Will... We never have to worry about finding money for your treatments ever again..." My eyes are red and puffy, and I have to repeatedly wipe the snot running down my nose. The number passes 4.7 million, and I can't even believe this is real.

Never in my life has anyone been generous... No one has ever lent a dollar to help... And Ulysses comes along and makes one post... And everything is going to be perfectly okay... "You really did this for us, Mr. Kennedy..." William is being respectful by calling him by his last name. He's been doing it since earlier. My eyes leave William, and I see the two sitting in chairs next to each other.

Hannah is crying as hard as I am, and she looks like everything is right in the world. Ulysses stands up and brings his chair over. Sitting next to the bed on the opposite side that I'm on. "Of course, Mr. Jones! Sometimes, all you need is a little help, and it can make a world of difference." Ulysses doesn't know what he's done for us. Not truly.

William can't help but let the tears start to fall, and now the only one left in the room that's not crying is Ulysses. Someone has to be strong right now. "Thank you... Thank you... I don't even know if this is real anymore..." I start to talk, and I feel lethargic and tired, and I bite my tongue and inner cheek to make sure that I'm really awake.

Hannah decides that she needs to get up from her seat and support me. She's on my side of the bed and is hugging me from the edge. "There is no need to thank us... You should be thanking yourself... You're the one that's worked so hard to make this possible..." She chokes on her own sobs as she talks to me, and her words on make me cry more.

~~~(POV: Ulysses Kennedy)~~~

~~~(Location: Hospital that William Jones is staying at, LA)~~~

~~~(Time: 1:15 PM)~~~

William has stopped his crying, but Hannah and Bianca are supporting each other as women do. It's a beautiful sight to see. "William..." The little boy with pale dark skin looks at me. "When you beat this, I want you and your sister to contact me. I'll have lifetime tickets lined up for wherever I play... Cause I know for sure that you're beating this. You're the toughest kid I've ever met." I can't help it.

They've been struggling for so long, and they deserve some things to look forward to when all of this is over. Yeah... There is a chance of his cancer coming back... But if that happens, they have the money. Enough to give him any treatments he needs. "Okay! I'm going to beat it like I always do! And I'm going to every single one of your games!" It's a promise.

While it'd be hard if I were drafted to a different team and lived in a city, I'd be sure to move these two out to where I'd be. I've made some really important friends today. And I take care of the people I care about.
