
Meeting Jacob Howard

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

I make my way towards the exit now that the final bell has rung. I have to meet Jacob Howard at a coffee shop downtown. I'm meeting him at 3:30, and I'll be there by 3:20 walking. I dribble my basketball as I start my trek. My thoughts about the library come up. I still don't know what it's about. That reminds me, I have to check my texts. They were going off like crazy when I was practicing. I take my phone out and stop dribbling. I read several texts from different people, and all of them say the same thing.

Jade and Hannah got into a fistfight about me... I don't know how to feel about that. Normally a guy would be kind of happy, but they are both my friends... I sigh and shove my phone back in my sweat pants, and continue dribbling towards downtown. After a 20-minute jog/walk, I see the cafe, and I happen to notice a very nice Bentley parked nearby. I walk up to the cafe and put away my basketball. I open the door, and several customers and the staff greet me. After looking around, I see a man stand up in a nice suit and wave me over.

I walk up and shake the smiling man's hand. I'm much taller than he is, and I can see that he is wearing some expensive things. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Mr. Kennedy. I'm a huge fan of your game." I smile and thank him as I pull a chair up to the booth since I can't fit. I sit at the edge, and he pulls several papers out of his briefcase. "I'm going to get right to it. These are the legal documents regarding NBA regulations about high schoolers going straight to the NBA." He really has been doing the work.

He shows me the first paper, and we discuss what certain things mean. He then specifically highlight a piece. "This right here, we can make a case to the NBA about this." It's a clause stating any player who is certainly NBA bound can make a case to the Association. "We can head to the NBA headquarters in New York this weekend if you want. We can make a case, and we'll see if you can't skip the college level." This is all well and good, but I'm heading to Oregon State this weekend. I won't have time for this.

I lean back in my chair and rub my temple. "Is there any way that you can handle this without there? I have to head to Oregon State this weekend." He adopts a thinking look and shakes his head. He explains I have to be there to speak personally. I could always cancel my trip to Oregon State this weekend. "I'll cancel my trip this weekend. We are going to New York." He smiles and packs his stuff up. He hands me his card and tells me to call him when I'm ready this weekend. He leaves, and so do I. I make my way home, and I smell Ellie making food.

She peeks out from the kitchen and asks me how my day went. I tell her about Jade and Hannah. She laughs and takes a breath. "You poor guy... Having two beautiful women fight over you!" She teases me, and I smiles a little bit. I explain to her my meeting with Jacob Howard and how we'll have to cancel the trip to Oregon State. She finishes cooking and lays a plate of food in front of me. She pulls out her phone and makes a call cancelling the trip to Oregon State. She smiles as she sits down. I don't know what I'd do without Ellie.

We sit and silently eat our food. After we are both done we head for the couch and start watching youtube. "Do you think you have a shot of going straight to the NBA?" I honestly don't know. I know I can compete and win, but the NBA might say no and force me to play a year at college. Their biggest point will probably be I won't be 19 by the time I'm graduated. I'm going to have to fight hard against that. I'm going to be 18 and old enough by then, and that should be good enough for them.
