
Home Sweet Home

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

Ellie pulls the car into the garage, and we exit the vehicle. My knees pop slightly after being freed from the tight space of the car. I stretch my body and release a light groan. The first Monday of every school year is a tough one. The reality that summer is over really hits. While I'm enjoying school this time around, it still has a monotonous feel throughout the day. I wish it were more engaging. It's not like I'm going to become a doctor. I'm going to be a hooper. So while academics are important, it's not the end-all and be-all for me.

We walk into the house, and Ellie puts her purse down and heads straight for the couch. She turns the PS5 on and heads straight to youtube. Conventional TV is too expensive these days, and youtube is a great free alternative. This house was my mom and dads, but Ellie to ownership and responsibility for the payments on it. She almost has it fully paid off, but I'll make sure she lives in an amazing mansion when I get my first paycheck. While rookie contracts are small, endorsements aren't. I've already been approached about that stuff.

Ellie says to wait until I'm 18 to make the decisions regarding what I want to endorse or not. I draw a lot of attention. I'm a 3-time regional champion and a 3-time national champion. I have retired, or active NBA players come to my games from time to time. They usually go for their kids cause I play against them in high school, but it's still cool. I've even seen famous people watching the games I play in. Lil Wayne, Drake, DJ Khalid, and many more have been seen at my games. It's weird being an attraction to such famous people.

I find it funny sometimes. There is a little paradox that is going on. There are many rappers and singers who wanted to be NBA players, and they make songs about it, and NBA players are always trying to be rappers or artists themselves. It's very entertaining. I've spoken to DJ Khalid and Kanye a few times after games. Mostly along the lines of a great game or asking for a quick picture. I do it, of course. It's funny being so much taller than them too. "So, what are you in the mood to watch?" I have certain things I love to watch.

Ellie works the hardest and provides, so it should be her choice. I'm just going to plug my beats in and watch youtube on my phone. "You can watch whatever. I'm going to be on my phone for a while." She nods her head, understanding. I hop on my Twitter for a second and see all the tweets I'm tagged in. Most are from reporters and shows talking about past performances and speculating where I'm going to college at. I'm not really talked about on the major networks like ESPN or Sports Center. The only time they talk about me is after a game, and I'm talked about a lot during the regular high school season.

I drop an average of 44 points, 13 rebounds, 8 assists, 3 blocks, and 1 steal. I always step it up when playoffs and tournaments come around. I'm even planning to play in the Olympics when I turn 18. I'll be eligible since I'll be a legal adult. I leave Twitter and head to youtube. I go to Terrorisers channel and watch some of his Mario kart 8 videos. They are really fun to watch. While almost 8 years old at this point, they are enjoyable to watch. He even uploads it from time to time with his regular group of friends. They are all almost 35 now, which is pretty crazy to me.

After an hour or so, I turn off my phone and head upstairs for my nightly shower. I lean down to get through the doorway, and I take the detachable nozzle off the rack. I cannot fit under the showerhead, so Ellie bought one that you can take on and off. It's pretty convenient, in my opinion. I spend about 20 minutes scrubbing myself clean. I exit the shower once dried off, and I get dressed in some clean sweats. I wear sweats pretty much all the time. It's some of the only clothes you can buy off the rack at my height.
