
CH 63: No Name [24]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

leaving its place to a boundless arousal, getting brighter with each meeting.

Just from the way her tongue danced in my mouth, I could see that veela's deserved the legends about themselves.







And her body was not too far behind in adapting to pleasure. Her hips joined the dance soon after, moving up and down subtly.

I assumed it was reflexive, because she stopped instantly when that motion brought her hips forward a bit, which made me knock at her entrance.

I used her shock to my benefit, pushing my tongue forward to dominate her mouth, ravaging it to my heart's content.

She tried to stay passive, but unfortunately for her, she had several obvious tells, informing me about her intensifying arousal, the biggest being her allure, getting out of control once more.

However, at that moment I realized that I had a rather dangerous miscalculation. I had thought that I would be able to resist her allure as easily as the other times, but predictably.

it turned out that it was rather hard to resist it when one had a sexy veela underneath him, her naked body rubbing invitingly, her entrance sopping wet with desire, willing to do almost everything.

At that moment, it was easy to revisit the decision to make her take action, questioning whether it was worth the wait.

At the moment, each second where I hadn't been embracing her fully felt like a huge loss.

I pulled from the kiss for a moment, about to decide that maybe I should leave her anal virginity alone for now. But then.

I noticed a victorious expression on her face, and realized that the intensity of her allure wasn't entirely accidental. Cheeky minx, I thought in amusement.

I didn't start punishing her explicitly at that moment for daring to manipulate me. For once.

it was good to see her starting to take action on our relationship, however twisted it might be.

And moreover, acting obvious to her tactic while countering it with a superior version of it would be much more fun. With that in mind, I raised myself once more, and changed the alignment of my shaft.

softly dragging against her nether lips, treating myself to her wet softness.

She immediately tried to push herself forward to impale herself, but I was ready for it, and pulled myself back, foiling her plan.

The disappointment on her face was clear, but I interrupted her with a rather hard spank on her bottom, which earned a rather loud cry of her. "Naughty girl," I said. "You remember our deal, right."

Before she could say anything, however, another voice interrupted her. "Another accident, Fleur," Bill called from inside. "If you're going to be that clumsy in the kitchen, maybe we should take my mother's offer and move to the Burrow. And once there, you can finally learn how to cook proper food."

I couldn't help but smirk at Bill's perfect timing, giving Fleur a good mixture of fear and anger. Fear, because she clearly had forgotten that we were still on her kitchen table.

and her husband listening to the radio in the living room.

Anger, because there was no doubt that living with the Weasley family would be anything but torture for Fleur, yet Bill still pushed for it constantly.

Truly, it seemed that I was doing Bill a favor by taking Fleur off his hands. He was clearly not equipped to handle her.

Fleur's reaction to it was even better. She didn't even bother to answer him, just grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to another kiss.

But the real surprise came with the movement of her hips, aligning her puckered hole with my shaft before pushing herself forward, the tightest feeling I had ever experienced enveloping me.

It was a small miracle I didn't cream right at that moment, especially when she continued pushing deeper despite her pained moans, loud enough to push through my lips.

"Again, Fleur," Bill shouted once more, this time, his tone patronizing like a teacher who had watched a student failed several times, the exact same way.

but insisting to repeat the same action through the sheer stubbornness.

A dangerous tone to take against a woman even under normal conditions, and a total disaster under the unique moment we were in.

"Sorry," Fleur shouted in vindication, sarcasm clear in her tone. "You know me, I'm a clutz. It's best if you just ignore my pained cries for tonight. I sat on something sharp, and now it hurts whenever I move my hips."

Bill made a non-committal sound, but took Fleur's admission in its face value, unaware of the confession it carried.

"Idiot," Fleur murmured as she pushed herself even deeper, letting out another cry as almost half of it disappeared into her dark hole.

Anyone else trying that would be dealing with tears, but she showed a surprising flexibility. It was probably another advantage of her heritage.

"Well, his loss, my gain," I said with a shrug. "If he is stupid enough to not to know your amazing value, I would be more than happy to take you off his hands permanently."

That words made her stop in shock. Understandable, considering the implications. Until now.

regardless of the depravity of the situation, she was under the impression that it was a temporary thing.

that I was passing time until I get bored of her; like such thing was possible after getting a taste of her delicious aroma.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, but it was not a moment to ruin the moment with a dry discussion, not when I was already half-enclosed in her tight hole, magically lubricated to perfection.

Without warning, I pushed myself forward with a sharp stab until my shaft disappeared from the view completely, and earned another pained cry, but paying its dividend in pleasure.

I decided to reward her obedience with staying still for a moment, letting her stretch enough that my presence wouldn't be as painful.

But yet again, my slutty angel managed to surprise me by wrapping her legs around my waist before starting to move.

As a gentleman, it would be rude to ignore such an enthusiastic invitation, so I started moving back and forth inside her, enjoying the resulting friction.

Her pained yelps slowly lost their intensity as she got used to my presence.

"Do you like it when I take you just a few meters away from the pathetic waste of space that thinks himself as your husband, slut," I murmured. "Do you?"
