

"It has been done." Danzel mumbled as he put his shield in his storage ring.

Turning his head, the last 5 Great Mages were standing in front of him as one of his Draugr´s.

The 5 of them did manage to kill quite a lot of his undead, but in the end, they too fell in defeat.

While the 12 undead of Velkir sends continuously their [Death Spear]´s, once Danzel finished raising the dead and joined the fray with his Draugr´s, the Great Mages were simply overwhelmed.

They simply couldn´t do anything.

With the Draugr serving as Danzel's meat shield, Danzel managed to close the distance without much difficulty. Making him a threat that needed to be exterminated for them to survive, as his strength was capable to damage their barriers more than they were comfortable with.

Alas, if they didn´t take care of the Draugr, they would have been shallowed since the barriers would even get destroyed with so many undead attacks.
