

"Lord Bolton, as you have surrendered, I believe it is time for us to discuss what exactly will you surrender. While I would love to take your Dreadfort, its lands would be far from my influence and I'm at the moment thinking Borrowton and the Rills would far better suit my tastes. Of course that means I'd be taking your allied houses either crushing them or assimilating them under my control. Though I doubt they would listen to me so a purge or hostage situation would have to happen and I doubt that they're descendants would look favorably upon me for such acts nor would the other houses. So I think it would be best if I just exile them to the wall, take their lands.

Now for your direct consequences for coming after me, I believe a fifteen percent tax of your trading goods as well as a monthly payment of goods such as a hundred pounds of grain, two hundred pounds of iron and steel each. Lastly, your ransom back, I believe this is when you give an offer and I decline asking for more, right?"

Roose looked at Jon in stupefied thought as a sudden spike of pain came from his leg from where a man sat on a stool taking the frostburn arrow out of and putting a herbal remedy on as well as blankets. Though he was told the treatment may not work, it was better than just cutting off his leg without at least trying. Thinking over everything he gritted his teeth partially from the thought and from the pain.

"I have to say I underestimated you greatly and was even fooled but don't you think you're asking for a bit much in all this?"

With a blank face, Jon sat across from him as he continued writing down on a scroll he started a few minutes ago.

"No I don't, the only reason I don't ask more of you is because of the two houses I am about to destroy in the sake of so-called justice that I seek from the war you provoked out of me. Now if you just sign here and here. I have your house's wax seal right here after confiscating your goods from your person so you can put it right next to the signature."

Jon spoke with finality before pushing over the scroll to Roose who began reading it with all the terms he just stated and even a clause of a trade agreement and self defense pact should one be attacked, the other will rush to their defense. Breaking the contract is punishable by the warden of the North and if they are disposed can be brought up before the king if should be pressed. All of it was completely too much by Roose's expectations but he looked at Jon one last time, he knew he had no voice and this was purely a show at this point. A good one at that but Roose began to smile sourfully as he wrote his signature and finished with a wax seal of his house, the once strong flayed man. The North was about to witness the true coming of Winter and Roose Bolton got to see it first hand.

Weeks passed and before lord Stark, his wife, and their other children, Jon marched into the hall with Roose Bolton in tow with ropes around his wrists. Escorted by his guard all equipped with black full plated steel armor, their small rounded shields strapped to their forearm as they always held one hand on their handle of the sword in their sheaths. Their imposing aura and domineering presence was suffocating as they all stood over six foot and were obviously not just for show. Jon in his half plated armor kneeled before Eddard as he brought Roose to heel.

"My lord, the war between house winter and house Bolton is finished, lord Bolton has agreed to surrender and already signed the terms of his surrender that you may verify whenever you wish."

Hearing his words and seeing the war already to be finished, Eddard was not just impressed but also stumped on how he won so fast. Thinking back to the reports he received and the raven entailing Jon's letter, he had to say he didn't think Jon would actually win. Grabbing the scroll from Jon's hands, Eddard began reading it with a stoic look though his insides were screaming.

"Do you actually mean to do what is entailed? Have you not thought to at least ask me on the matter considering you are trying to wipe out two houses sworn under me and confiscating their lands in your own name!"

To say he was mad was an understatement as he was basically being told that Jon was doing whatever he wished for! Jon composed himself as he straightened his back.

"My lord, I am simply taking what is rightfully mine. Do you not take something from the loser when you win a war? Are wars not fought for land or gold or other materials? While I am staking a large claim, the taxes to you are no different just simply a change of the hands exchanging the gold. While I may be eliminating two houses under your sworn protection, did they not ally with the man who tried to kill your son and challenge your words on my lordship over Moat Cailin?"

The hall became eerily quiet as all thought on what Jon said only for Catelyn to see what was happening first and she did not like it one bit. She quickly whispered into Eddard's ear but he only looked at her sternly before dismissing his attention from her. Refocusing his gaze at Jon, Eddard thought about the matter again.

"Fine, I'll allow it but any other attempt for a grab at more land or power will be halted if I catch wind of it. You are sworn under me and so should know your place as a lord. While I find seeing my old bannermen being forced to the wall or sent into similar exile distasteful, I'll wipe my hands of the matter since this is not my burden to bear but yours. You will hear their pleas and their cries, you will bear responsibility."

"I understand my lord, I will hold responsibility over the matter at hand and handle it with grace."

While Jon had wished to say he wasn't nervous about the whole situation, he couldn't claim it. The stress of possibly having his plans ruined only because Lord Stark could say so didn't sit well with him and he knew one day that would have to change. For now though, he had to tuck away such thoughts and say he was a happy loyal lord who never had such ambition. Finishing the dismissal of lords who came to witness the events, Jon sat across Eddard as the two stared at each other.

"You're acting more and more like a southerner would, using words and politics to gather what you want and I'm not sure whether I should stop it now or see what it will bring. Your words dismissed, Your growth gives the impression of potential and one of scary proportions. You had but a bunch of men left to man your lands and yet I hear and read about a sizable host of men merely escorting you here not to mention the reports of your patrols in your lands. Hunting bandits and beginning the construction of various buildings as well as the renovations of Moat Cailin people are starting to take notice of. You haven't even confirmed this would work out before you came to me today and yet you're already moving forward with other plans.

Tell me Jon, what are you exactly trying to do?"

Jon looked out the window as he tapped his finger on the armrest of his chair before once again locking eyes with Eddard.

"Well that's easy my lord, I simply aim to settle my lands, expand, grow, and stabilize. What every lord and ruler wishes to do really, I just happen to have a vision to put it into place. I act accordingly to the events that happen around me and always think of the progress such tasks can bring me and the people sworn under me. I aim to protect my people and my land and in doing so inadvertently protect the north as a barrier of sorts from the south. Before you ask, I have roughly about four thousand men under me and many more will be coming in the following days. I expect my army will exceed your expectations but I promise you this lord Stark."

Eddard looked towards Jon who's lips curled upwards as he leaned closer.

"And what would that be exactly Jon?"

Jon's eyes almost burnt a hole through Eddard with the intensity and fiery look he had.

"I will never go back on my word, I might be more like a snake from the south but I honor the North. I may use my words in the court of law, but my enemies will know of the steel I carry. While I might be growing and becoming more powerful, my strength correlates with the whole North. Look on the map and see where my lands are, picture farms and food production enough to feed the north and some. Picture an army to face invaders and patrols of soldiers ready for the Ironborn. Think of it, we have a wall in the far north and now a wall in the south. This is what I promise lord Stark."

Smiling as he collapsed his hands together, Jon sat back in his chair as he began humming the same melody he did weeks ago on the battlefield. His legs crossed as the one on top began bouncing and his smile still always present as his eyes bore into Eddard's. The old Stark pictured it all but like the cold winds of the north they vanished as he saw the calculative look on Jon. He wondered how Jon ever got to be like this, fierce, calculative, cunning, almost cold even. A slight chill across his neck as he gulped before acquiescing, all to Jon's delight.

"Just don't forget your oath Jon Winter."

Hope you all enjoyu everyone, hopfully it shows how much Jon is starting to really grow into who he will be as his development starts to shape his person. As well as his actions and how it affects the people around him and their worries.

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