
Chapter 28: Blue Light

“First, it isn’t just my operation. Second, yes I would welcome the scrutiny if we never had to scrape for things again. I have nothing to hide. I want to keep Biggin Hill First Aid Squad completely volunteer.”

“And keep Blue Light out of it.”

“You bet. Have you heard about their track record? They have at least three wrongful death suits pending just in this state.”

Tim drew himself up. “They’ve gone to court and didn’t settle. Seems like they might be innocent.”

“But just the fact that those suits have been filed should give you pause.”

He cleared his throat and waved away her words. “Maybe we shouldn’t be discussing this in the supermarket.” He looked around and rubbed a hand over his face. Sweat beaded on his upper lip.

She clenched her teeth. “Backpedaling Tim?” So like him when confronted. “You brought it up.”

He jammed his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “My mistake.”
