
Chapter 58: The Magician and the Hydra

Once all the debris was removed William made a signal for Anana to move away, he could not let her scare the hydra, one false step and it could end up creating another battle where one of the two parties would be finished.

The hydra was lying on its own body, with its three long necks rolled up to cover the heads, it had wounds all over its body, the battle against the treasure hunters and the collapse of the pyramid had done its work.

The hydra raised its three heads the moment it sensed William's presence, there was no way it would forget the little wizard that had attacked it.

"Hey" William greeted as he approached slowly but with utmost confidence.

The hydra slowly stood up, its height surpassed William by far, its body alone without counting the neck already measured two meters, if the necks were counted then it could reach the height of five meters with ease.

Each of the heads looked at William as they bared their elongated fangs and hissed angrily.

William stood still the moment he heard the noise, if he went any closer then he would be in danger.

<I have to find a way to show him that I am not dangerous and that I don't want to hurt him> William thought for a moment and said to himself <What would Newt Scamander do in my situation>.

Slowly he moved his hand to his right pocket where he kept his wand, the hydra got even more engorged than before and opened its mouth to show its fangs more than before.

Even with the hydra's threat, William didn't stop and took the wand slowly and soon put it on the ground.

<What are you doing Will?> Anana who was watching everything that was happening tightened her grip on her wand, if she saw the hydra trying to finish off her partner then she would take matters into her own hands even if William had to get angry with him. He is the captain of the dueling club and he has to make decisions when the time calls for it.

The hydra watched as William set the wand down and returned to his position as he slowly raised his hands symbolizing that he had nothing dangerous with him.

"I have nothing with me, I mean you no harm" William said in a soft tone, the Hydra's eyes were focused on William but somehow they seemed much less frightening than they had a few seconds before.

A few seconds passed before William decided to take one more step closer to the hydra, a slow and not very wide step but it was a step nonetheless, he was moving away from his wand and closer to the magical beast listed in the most dangerous category of all.

Anana in the distance clutched the wand in his hand tightly, almost strangling it. The fear of seeing his friend hurt in front of his eyes had him nervous, he wanted to do something but at the same time he wanted to trust William's judgment.

With every step William was taking, he was closer to the dangerous forest hydra, further away from his wand, closer to a quick death, further away from safety, but somehow he felt he had to do this to grow as a person, always staying safe would not help him grow in this world of magic.

He extended his right arm slowly with the palm of his hand open, always facing forward, he kept his left arm raised so as not to raise suspicion on the magical beast.

The Hydra hid its fangs, it had already noticed inside that William had no intention of harming it at this moment, it had wounds all over its body, it would be easy for the mage duo to end its life. During the previous battle the head in the center lost one of its eyes, the head on the left had received several wounds and the head on the right had burns.

"No... it can't be... right" Anana said in surprise as she released her firm grip on her wand. He rubbed his hand over his eyes several times to confirm that those his eyes were seeing were not some kind of illusion.

William had his arm raised with his right hand outstretched and right in the palm rested the central head of the hydra, both wizard and magical beast had their eyes closed.

Before coming on the expedition, William had told all the members of the dueling club about his family background, his life at Hogwarts and about the house he had been selected into, he also explained the reason why the Sorting Hat was wrong.

"William, the sorting hat was not wrong, doing what you are doing right now really takes great courage, I believe you really are a Gryffindor" he said with a soft tone as he watched the scene in front of him.

A first year magic student had managed to tame one of the most dangerous magical beasts in the entire magical world.

William searched through his things, he still had magic bags with space extension spells that he received when he won the goblin prize. All it took was to open the bag for the hydra to get inside, there it could rest and replenish its energy.

"That was amazing, William. You managed to tame a forest hydra, one of the most dangerous magical beasts of all."

"And perhaps one of the last of its kind" interrupted William as he picked up his wand and proceeded to secure the bag with the hydra at his waist "I need the existence of this hydra to be a secret, at least until when I return to Hogwarts."

"Sure, no problem."

"Come on, we still need to get the mourning club out and confirm the death of all enemies."
