
Director Goodsky

"Ah Director Goodsky, you made it." Dad turned and spread out his arms in a form of welcoming. She gives brief nod, and then looks over the rest of us settling her eyes on me last with a surprised look in her eye.

"Yes, I'm sorry for the late visit, but this is the only free time I had." She said while turning back towards Vincent.

"That's not a problem at all Director Goodsky we're just glad that you were able to take time out of your busy schedule to meet with us." She chuckles softly.

"Well I certainly couldn't miss out on 2 promising future students of Xyrus. I believe 'once in a lifetime talent' or I suppose twice in a lifetime would be more appropriate. Now then young Arthur Leywin, lets start with you." She said as her gaze focuses in on Arthur who just sighs in defeat, i pat his shoulder in sympathy.

"You must be Jaron. I look forward to seeing your abilities as well." I turn my gaze towards her and smile.

"Well you see Director I actually have a bit of a… test so to speak for you." I could see my parents starting to cold sweat when I said that, but Goodsky just settled into a intrigued smirk.

"Oh you do? Well let's hear it." I snapped my fingers and a sound barrier appeared around me, her and Arthur. Her eyes widened when she realized that I just used sound magic, even Arthur was still slightly surprised at the ease I used a deviant magic.

"You see Director, I think I speak for me and Arthur here, we don't wish to attend the academy yet. We will attend eventually, maybe around 12, the normal age of entrance. However I also want you to… adjust our records a bit. It would be quite troublesome if teachers or even students snooped around and found out our core stages and when we awoke." She was nodding along with what I was saying and a knowing smile crossed her face.

"I don't think I have much of a choice if I want someone like you to attend the academy as even I can't see your core level. Which means you must be higher than me, which is very intriguing." I return the smile and look towards Arthur.

"Any objections?" He looked to me for a second before back to Goodsky.

"I'm in agreement with Jaron."

"Very well, if someone as strong as Jaron seems is vouching for you then I will let our little test pass. However I would like to go ahead and start the enrollment process, so tell me your current level and magic and mage type." I dropped the sound barrier since the rest of this didn't really need to be private.

"I'm a yellow core fire and wind augmenter with deviants in lightning and sound, I also specialize in swordplay." She cocks her eyebrow not really believing the yellow core claim, but she would have to get over it. Arthur was surprised to find another person who could use more than one element and their deviances

"You can use 2 elements?" He asked me, to which I just nodded.

"I'm a light red Quadra elemental." Oy you're just gonna throw that out there? I know you did in the books, but I did all this so you wouldn't have to. Sigh

"While I'm thankful for the Helstea's and Jaron's help, I want another benefactor that will keep my family safe. And as Director of Xyrus academy you don't seem to be the weak type. If you'll accept Jaron's terms and this, I'll attend your academy at 12." He said with a steadfast expression and I could feel some of his king aura seeping out. Goodsky stared back for a moment before nodding.

"Very well, Arthur and Jaron will be allowed to enroll at Xyrus academy when they turn 12, I have no problem with that. I look forward to seeing you both there, now I must be off." She says as she turn to leave.

"Uh wait Director." I stop and she turns back around.

"Please just call me Cynthia." I nod before continuing.

"I was actually wondering, how do I go about becoming Student Council President?" She looked at me surprised as did everyone else. While I had been excellent in my studies, my parents knew that i loathed it and was only doing it to appease them.

"Why would you want that, when you seem to want a low profile?" Cynthia asks as she looks at me curiously. I just grin.

"While there is a lot of work for a student council president, there also comes a lot of freedom. Besides the strongest as the student council president would make the integration of the new races a lot smoother I feel, if I showed my stance on the matter." She hums to herself still studying me.

"It's typically voted by the students, but if this is another stipulation of you joining I wouldn't mind swinging the votes a little. Just try to help me a little bit at least." Everyone's jaw dropped at the Director of the academy basically saying she would make sure I won the election for student council president. I just smiled at her.

"Thank you Cynthia, I'll do my best." She nodded and once again started to walk off. When I turned everyone still had looks of shock on their faces.

"What?" I asked with a questioning look.

"Did you just bribe the Director of Xyrus Academy?" Asked my mother.

"Nooo~ I just asked and she said yes. That's not really bribing." I said as I waved off her concerns, but rather than signs of relief I got sighs of exasperation.

"Well either way I know why Jaron doesn't want to attend the academy yet, but what about you Art?" It was Reynolds who spoke, and Arthur looked at him nervously.

"I was actually hoping to become an adventurer." His parents faces went wide with surprise and his mother quickly changed to furious while Ellie just looked confused.

"Absolutely not! You just got back. Why would you want to leave again, and so soon?!" Alice yelled while her face showed her distress clearly.

"You're mother is right. We just got you back Art." Reynolds echoed her opinion and the icing on top was little Ellie as she held her hand together while looking up at Arthur.

"Bruhder is leaving already?" Tears formed at the corner of her eyes and Arthur panicking behind patting her head.

"Nonono Ellie, I'm not leaving." He soothed as he tried to prevent her from crying and I just laughed, earning a glare from him. I just returned it with my own wry grin. Several back and forth moments go bye that I get bored and finally butt into their family conversation.

"What if you get someone to go with him, like one of the Twin Horns. Or I could even go if it would make you feel better." Alice's glare was turned on me, but it gradually softened until she sighed.

"Fine." Arthur perked his ears up and looked at his mom before me in disbelief.

"Wha-? Just like that? I can go?" He said still looking back and forth between me and his parents, and I just kept a smile on my face.

"Jaron went on a journey when he was younger than you, so it wouldn't be fair to you." Alice said, even though she looked sad.

"That reminds me! The Twin Horns will be coming back from a mission soon, so it's perfect. Just wait until after your birthday and one of them can go." Reynolds spoke quickly before finally turning towards me.

"Jaron, I hope you'll look after Arthur as well when he goes." I chuckle and wave off the uncharacteristically serious Reynolds.

"No worries, he's like a little brother already. Besides Ellie might hate me if I let something happen to him." She just nodded her head in affirmation earning laughs from the group.

"How strong are you Jaron. Really. Even Director Goodsky didn't seem to believe your yellow core claim." A smirk appears on my face and I look at him. Since I came back I hadn't told my family this yet either, so it'll probably come as quite the shock.

"I'm a white core mage." Everyone except Arthur had surprised but happy faces, however Arthur was looking like he was waiting for the punchline.

"No seriously." He asked a little more serious this time, and I just shrugged.

"There's really no way to prove to you what core stage I am… So you'll just have to take my word for it. After all Director Goodsky was a light silver core, and like you said she didn't believe me.

"That's insane, how did you progress so fast?" Arthur asked incredulously, I could see Lilia lean closer to try and gain some chest like knowledge from me.

"Lots of meditation, and training. I imagine had you not had your… sickness you would be farther along if not equal with your father." Arthur nods his head at this as he agreed with my statement.

"No shortcuts Lilia, only hard work will get you what you want." She let off an eep at being found out, but I could see a slight determination settle into her eyes.

"What's that about?" Arthur asks me.

"Haa, my mother and father are not mages which means there is a high likely hood that Lilia won't be either. However she was able to see the mana particles recently after I told her how to meditate one day. I think in another year to year and a half she should awaken, but I'm not sure." He nods along as he himself used to meditation to speed up his own awakening process, so it stands to reason that others could awaken that way.

"She must be really dedicated, I can only imagine the amount of time she has put into it if she wasn't going to be a mage originally. That makes me think, I might be able to jumpstart the process for both her and Ellie." I feign surprise at this revelation as I figured he might offer it.

"Truly? I'm sure that would help her tremendously! And giving your sister a headstart would be very helpful as well."

"Ya, that's why I'm hoping it works." He says with a determined nod.

"Thanks Arthur, but let's worry about that another time. It's getting rather late and their mage journeys can wait one more day." Nodding to my words we make our way to the house and our families following close behind. I could feel the happiness oozing off of my mother at me having a friend. I have plenty of friends, but they are all friends with Rez, rather than Jaron.

Which means that now I have one friend other than Kathyln, the one and only Arthur Leywin.


Author's Note

Little shorter than usual, but I didn't really want to start another scene in this chapter, so I stopped it here.

Jaron for Student Council president! What do you think? He will still have dealings with the disciplinary committee because of his position and he will have a fairly high authority on campus. Felt like it was perfect.

Thanks for reading.

