
The day one

When all the teams had assembled at their marching spots after Zimbabwe completed their March , the forntrunner started his run with the ceremonial torch in his hand. 

The flagbearer was the right given to the person having the highest level in the game , this year it was the Irish enigma 'Parallax' . 

At level 82 he was 7 levels clear of Rudra who had a 16 level bump because of slaying a dragon. That spoke miles about his strength as a player. 

As a comparision , the average player levels globally was 40 , while the amongst the strong elites it was about 58 , even Japanese representatives and top players like Karna and SMG were only tier two level 63. 

Even the level freak Neatwit was not a freak compared to the behemoth Parallax , it was not a farfetched thing to say that he was currently one of the best players in the game. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
