
Chapter # 52 Assassination Attempt

"Yes Alex I am coming don't you worry we will sort out everything" Brad was on call with Alex.

"You know the situation Brad. John turned his focus on valmura again" He was really concerned.

"Did you talk to Kevin?" Brad asked.

"Yes but he said we should wait till the dust settles but I am afraid of John's intentions even he shift his residence to valmura now" He replied.

"Hmm that's really a matter of concern" Brad agreed this time.

"I don't need to say anything Brad you know already what he did at the dock" Alex still didn't forget that incident.

" Yeah I know that was a horrible incident. I am coming dude don't you worry. I will talk to Kevin to help you on this matter as soon as possible" Brad comforts him.

"Yeah I know Bro, Because of you and Kevin I am still holding my grounds" A sort of thankfulness swept down him

"We will continue this discussion when I arrive at valmura till then bye" Brad then disconnect the call

______________________________________________""Luther is everything ready" Brad asked to his assistant.

"Yes Boss I have put everything you need in this bag" He replied.

"Good I will be in valmura for the next few days till then you have to manage everything here" Brad put his faith in him.

"Don't you worry boss. I will take care of everything" He replied.

"That's great where are my bodyguards" Brad asked.

"They are waiting for you in your SUV boss" Luther replied.

"Ok time to go, good bye" He waved his hand.

"Bye" Luther replied.


Brad's land cruiser was running at it top speed. He was sitting at the back seat of the vehicle.One of his two guards was sitting with him and the other one was sitting on the front seat with driver It was early morning time. Entire western express highway was empty only few vehicles were running through it. The outside view was mesmerizing. There was huge grassland on both side of the road. Far away there was valmura hills and the sun just started shining above the hills. Suddenly a truck overtake the Brad vehicle and stopped immediately. Driver used emergency brake to stop the vehicle. In a moment two more vehicles just stopped near the Brad SUV and six man were came out from the cars and started gunfire at the Brad's vehicle. Suddenly one of them received a call. He was John carpenter.

"John leave the place right now. Police got the information about our plan and they are on your hunt" Alan warned him.

"Fuck..Who told them" He yelled.

"I don't know. I just got this news by one of my man in the police department. You must stop it and leave the place immediately" Alan replied.

"I will find out and then tore his skin and feed his flesh to my dogs" He shouted and hung up the call.

"C'mon guys get in the car and leave the place now,the police is on the hunt" He ordered his boys

Few moments later when police arrived there was only one SUV standing in the middle of the road roasted by hundreds of gunfire.
