
chapter # 18 The Unexpected Trouble

It was 10 PM . A mysterious car running towards the gates of John mansion. John Carpenter is the city chief of dark soldiers and tonight is the birthday of his youngest son.

"Stop" guard shouted.

The car stopped just few steps before the gate. And a man came out from the car.

"Who are you?" guard asked.

"My name is peter and I am came from valmura city. Our chief has sent me here to discus some important matter with John Carpenter" Man replied.

But he is busy in the party" guard looked confused.

" Inform him about me" Peter replied

Soon Peter was in the office of John Carpenter. Few minutes later john entered the room.

"So Maximus sent you Here" John asked after sitting on his seat.

"Yes Mr John he was so worried because of the weakening position of dark soldiers in valmura city" Peter replied.

"What happened? as far as I know valmura is the stronghold of dark soldiers" John was little confused.

"Yes it was but not now. Red eagle are now strengthening their foots in the city" Peter was worried.

"Red eagles are being in valmura for a very long time but suddenly few months ago they become so strong. They attack our casinos and have destroyed one of our warehouse. Our chief right hand Toby has been killed by them. To make matter worst they are now fighting against us for the control of Sheraton town. The business hub of the city. Our main source of income is the extortion from the shops in that area but now we are loosing it" Peter explain the situation in valmura.

"How they become stronger in just a few months?" John asked with Wonder.

"Sir we have the information that eastern wolves are providing them arms" Peter replied.

"But they never tried to expand beyond Victoria city" John still didn't understand.

"No sir they are not trying expand. They are selling arms to them. The Eastern wolves has complete control over locava city. They have partnership there with local Mafia. They safely import weapons from all around the world then they smuggle it to Victoria city then sell it to their clients. We got to know few months ago Brad the leader of the knight riders arranged a meeting for the leaders of both organizations. Kevin from Eastern wolves and Alex from Red Eagles attended that meeting. They agreed to co operate with each other. Two months ago Eastern wolves provided them a huge cache of arms in return of one and half million dollars. Unfortunately we are not strong enough to deal with this new problem" Peter thoroughly explain everything.

"Oh Eastern Wolves. That's really a big problem Peter" John was worried, for the last many years both gang fought many battles and he know that Kevin Smith is the very genius and intelligent man with vast experience of urban warfare.

"But why me? Dark soldiers are spread all over the country. Why you didn't ask for help from other cities chief?" John was hesitate to help he knew he was not strong enough to start a new battle with Eastern wolves.

"You are the nearest one sir and state chief sent us to you for asking help" Peter didn't expect this kind of reaction from John.

John waited few minutes then make a call to state chief Alan.

"Yes John what's the matter?" Alan asked.

" You sent valmura people to me for help but you know the situation very well. Majority of Victoria city is control by Eastern wolves. They already have district three and two while district four is in the hand of their ally knight riders. We only have district one how I supposed to help them?

"Don't worry john reinforcements are on the way from northern states. Soon you have a big cache of arms. And I am sending it to you because valmura chief maximus is not brave enough to fight two front war. He can't even handle Red eagle alone. From now on you are the chief of the two cities and soon you will have a big cache of arms too. I am sure you will successfully eliminate both the red eagles and Eastern wolves alone" Alan put his trust in John.

"You will not be disappointed Alan" John become so happy he is now chief of the two cities and state chief also agree to provide huge caches of arms. He started dreaming to rule both valmura and Victoria city.

"Don't worry peter, I will handle the situation state chief agree to help me in this matter" John replied warmly.

"Thanks Sir, Now I should go" Peter left the house.
