
The rebirth of the Holy beasts

"Adamantium cannot be available in pure form and you will only be given in the form of ores. Will that be okay?" replied the sea god without thinking too much.

Mark didn't expect this sea god would agree so quickly, but since he was already getting what he wanted, he put an end to this matter with a silent nod.

With a smile on his face, the god of the sea then snapped his fingers, bringing out four beast eggs, each of them being as big as the houses the robots built on the island.

Each of the giant eggs had a different appearance too. One was blue and looked like it had scales. One was red and appeared to be quite hot as if it was very angry. The third one was white in color but have stripes all over. And the last one just looked like a giant black rock that fell from the sky.

As Mark and the others were staring at them, the sea god conjured two more things out of thin air.

"Here, I need your blood."
