

"How dare you hurt my brother?" [BLOODY MOON] an unknown female voice came amidst the crowd.

An artificial red moon formed inside the Alchemy House, absorbing all the bloodlust and violet flame [ETERNAL VOID], saving the arrogant young man. All that remains is a tiny flicker of void flame in Lucas's hand.

"Is attacking a eight-year-old kid from behind runs in your blood?" scoffed Lucas as he looked into the woman's eyes with killing intent.

"HAHAHAHA, my big sister is here, kid you are as good as dead after you, I will kill your whole family after your death," The arrogant nobleman began to laugh like a maniac. 

The crowd was dumb fold by seeing the arrival of the new Hero.

Someone suddenly screamed from the crowd, "That's the Scarlet maiden." Another man from the crowd screams, "It is over for the kid. She won't show any mercy to the kid."

"It's over, it's over, forgive me, Lord Rosewarth, I am too weak," the old alchemist fell to his knees, and tears began to fall from his eyes.

"So much potential wasted, haaah," sighed alchemist Bella. She planned to use Lucas to make her experiment successful, but the arrival of Scarlet Maden spoiled it all.

Lucas looked up at the artificial moon and clicked his tongue, "What an annoying ability... But, you haven't yet mastered it properly... How dare you use a half-baked skill in front of me?" He screamed in anger as a wave of bloodlust swept over the entire Alchemy House.

"How do you know about that? Kid, spill out everything you know, and I might consider leaving you alive," Scarlet Maiden said in anger, hearing Lucas's words. She wanted to know why a little kid knows about her skills.

People began to run from the Alchemy House. Fear can be seen in their eyes. Only the strongest remained inside the Alchemy House to witness an unimaginable battle between a eight-year-old kid who is yet to awaken his bloodline versus the strongest figure of the Sappharix nation The Scarlet Maiden.

[Crackle] Sparks of green lightning appeared around Lucas's body.

[Time stopped]

"Damn it, what now?" Lucas yelled, sensing a weird force around him.

Lucas's consciousness got drawn into the place where he found the three books. The golden Book Of Knowledge began to react. With curiosity in his eyes, he began to move toward the book just like he did before.

"I will never get used to this eerie place," shivered Lucas.

Soon, Lucas stood in front of the golden book.

The book opened, the pages began to flip and words appeared on those pages, "Too weak, stall enemy one more year, knowledge is in your hand, get strong, Rosewarth family is not so weak."

"I am not weak but it's true, I am weak to save myself even if I somehow manage to kill that Scarlet Maiden," thought Lucas while reading the words from the Book of Knowledge.

The thing that caught his eyes was the words, "Rosewarth family is not so weak."

"Is there something I don't know about my own family?" Lucas thought.

"Then, show me the details about the Rosewarth family and the Scarlet Family," Lucas said as he placed his palm on the top of the book.

The Golden Book of Knowledge began to vibrate. The pages began to flip very fast but surprisingly there was not a single sound of flipping pages came from the book.

"Arrg, my head," Lucas crouched on the invisible ground holding his head.

Countless strings of golden energy began to surround Lucas. Then it went inside his head all at once causing Lucas to scream in pain.

A few minutes passed. Lucas tried his best to focus on the information he obtained from the book.

"Hahahaha, this is interesting, very interesting," laughed Lucas. He got all the information he needs to plan his next move.

"With this information, I wonder how the Scarlet Maiden will stop me from killing that brat," Lucas thought as a sinister smile formed on his face.

Lucas began to focus his mind on thinking about getting out. And, once again like before, his consciousness reunites with his body, and the green lightning disappeared without his notice.

[Time moved once again]

The strongest Eon of the Sappharix nation began to move towards Lucas.

Everyone held their breath as if they were expecting more miracles in a single day.

Soon The Scarlet Maiden stood in front of little Lucas.

"You were seeing the fight from the beginning and you didn't even stop your brother from attacking me," Lucas said as he tilted his head and looked into Scarlet maiden's eyes.

"What are you waiting for sister? Kill that rude kid," screamed the nobleman.

"Are you feeling proud that your sneak attack was successful, the strongest Eon is afraid of an eight-year-old kid," Lucas said mockingly without blinking his eyes, "It's hilarious," He scoffed.

The people who remained in the Alchemy House opened their mouths in awe.

"Are you done talking? Then let me put you out of your misery," Scarlet Maiden said in an emotionless voice.

The Scarlet Maiden put her hand in the air, violent dark essence began to gather over her palm, [DARK VOID]

In a blink of an eye, a pitch-black vortex surrounded Lucas.

"I will let you die by your technique, but better than yours," Scarlet Maiden smiled and the dark energy towards Lucas.

[Slice] "Another fool, attack like this is useless against me," Lucas smirked and slashed his hand, cutting through the dark energy.

"What the hell?" The Scarlet Maiden for the first time in her life began to feel uneasiness. For a moment she saw a sword slash, but there were no weapons in Lucas's hand.

"Better than mine? Nice joke," laughed Lucas standing unharmed.

None saw what happened or how Lucas was unharmed from the Eon's attack. Even the Scarlet Maiden was baffled. She wasn't sure what she saw was a sword slash or some other kind of power.

"You think that you can kill me using my very own technique, an interesting way to fight but that's not enough to defeat me," Lucas said in a calm tone while looking towards Scarlet Maiden with cold eyes.

"You... Who are you? What are you?" Scarlet Maiden screamed in anger.

"Since you like to absorb my attack... try to do it once more," [ETERNAL VOID] A ball of violet flames burst out from Lucas's fist.

The artificial moon suppressing Lucas's essence disappeared. 

"I won't let you," the Scarlet Maiden tried to summon her essence but failed to gather any.

"What's wrong, can't gather essence," laughed Lucas mockingly at the Eon.

"This is the end," Declared Lucas as he threw the ball of violet flames toward Scarlet Maiden's arrogant brother.

The charged violet flame engulfed the nobleman. "Arrrrg... I don't want to die... Sister... Save me, I don't want to die," he screamed.

"Stop it at once," screamed Scarlet Maiden. But Lucas stood there staring at the dying man with cold eyes.

A few minutes passed, and no one spoke a single word or even breathed.

"You dare, you dare to kill my brother, I will end your bloodline, you won't be able to escape the wrath of the Scarlet Family," Screamed Scarlet Maiden in anger.

Lucas walked towards the baffled Eon and spoke in her ear in a cold voice, "The Rosewarth family will repay the debt of trying to kill their heir... Don't try to cross your authority in front of me..."

Hearing Lucas's words, the already fallen Eon fell on her knee and only one word came out of her mouth, "Mercy." She knew the power of the Rosewarth family is much stronger than her own and a conflict with them will result in their inevitable defeat.

Every Hero present in the Alchemy House was surprised to see their strongest Hero on her knee asking for mercy.

Lucas began to walk out of the Alchemy House. Just before walking out of the door, he looked back and spoke with a grin, "By the way, I will give you a chance to end this conflict without much bloodshed. I will face you next year after my awakening, in presence of all the family leaders."

As Lucas walked out of the Alchemy House, the violet flame was still burning, and he muttered something.

Only a few Experienced Heroes heard his words, "Sappharix doesn't need a coward."


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