
Bk3: Ch– 108 Judging(pt-1)

Rosa was not eager to explain herself, she was rather pissed with his words.

‘Your brother is not happy with the decisions you mad.’ The shadow was bobbing his head up and down while observing the brother and the sister.

‘What did he expect me to do at that time. Sit still like a damsel in distress and do nothing? I wanted some answers too.’ Rosa scoffed still avoiding facing Nicholas.

‘You did have a choice, you could have stayed in the capital as Kuon suggested.’ The shadow pointed out.

‘And do what? Stay still and wither away waiting for who knows what.’ Rosa replied her temper rising.

‘Well people do not expect a princess to do such things right?’ He grinned.

‘People do not expect the female to do a lot of things. I am expected to make sure to keep still.’ Rosa's watched the water crawl down from the window to the end of the frame.
