
Chapter 56

Floating above the city, Jason looked down as Felicia stood on his toes as he wrapped his arms around her. His cape silently fluttered in the wind as they looked down at the lights and night life of the city. He very slowly rotated as he drifted across the city.

"Surprisingly it is not as cold as I thought it would be." Felicia commented.

Recently she has been begging for him to take her flying. Well begging is a stretch since she really only asked once and he agreed. So it is how he found himself in the sky holding her as they looked down.

'That is because I have a little bio-field wrapped around you to block it out.' Jason thought but chose not to say. Mainly because Felicia looked beautiful with the moon shining down on her as she looked proud of herself.

Leaning forward Jason gently captured her lips with his own. While he felt awkward in the beginning of their relationship. Now it felt most natural as he tries his best for both women in his life.

"What was that for?" Felicia looked up at him confused.

"A reward for being beautiful." Jason smiled.

"Well that's natural. Do you want a closer look?" Felicia whispered into his ear while rubbing up against him.

"I think I like that plan." Jason smiled as he drifted downwards towards her apartment.

Inside the apartment, a battle so epic proportions occurred that it couldn't be put into words.


Humming a small tune as he stared intently at the pan in his hand. Jason was happily cooking up pancakes and sausages with two eggs on the side for Felicia. Dressed in pajama pants as he plated breakfast, he walked into the bedroom. There Felicia slept with the blanket revealing her naked back.

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head. You still got work today." Jason calmly said as he gave her a small kiss on her cheek.

This was the best part of being a podcaster is he can fluctuate his hours a bit when he records in advance. It is also very manageable for him when he suddenly has to pause and rush off.

"I think I want to call in today." Felicia groaned as she sat up and began devouring the breakfast placed before her.

"Today is that fundraiser both you and Lala are hosting." Jason gently reminded her.

"Who told you to be such a monster?" She complained. "Thanks for the food."

"You're welcome." Jason answered.


"Good morning you two." Lala greeted them happily. When she saw Felicia her smile grew even more.

"Morning, Lala." Felicia greeted before letting out a small yawn.

"Well, you two have fun. I will see you guys later." Jason said before heading towards his small recording room.

Only he didn't make it far before he felt Lala's hands wrapped around his arm.

"Ok, we will see you before the event." Lala replied, giving him a small peck.

Followed by Felicia, they both soon left, leaving him alone in the entire lab. So as any boy his age when left alone would do. He turned up his music a tiny bit more than normal.


Tapping his fingers on the table, Jason watched the news that showed the civil war that went on among the Avengers. It has been a while since it happened, so he concluded it must be a slow news day. It wasn't until the screen switched to a similar man being praised for helping a small child to cross the street.

'Sentry back?' He read the caption.

"Great, I save millions from death and get blamed but this man helps a child cross the street and get praised. This is such a messed up world." Jason switched channels.

While he prided himself on being thickened skin to the negativity views of the masses. Jason still felt the sting of them. Now they are showering praises to a hero who up and left for a few months? It was probably the biggest sting he felt yet.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

Clicking the television off, Jason gave up on television and decided to surf the web. After about ten minutes, a message from Lilith came through. A giant shark was terrorising the Pacific Ocean. Suiting up, Jason quickly vanished from the lab leaving a small note.

'Went to deal with a shark, be back soon.'


Surfing across the clouds as he flew over the world. Jason ended up waving at a woman who looked outside the window much to her surprise. Diving downwards as Jason scanned the large pool of water.

"Lilith I'm not seeing anything. Only the remains of shark poachers I would assume."

"Master, there are two more distress beacons not far from your location."

"I will check them out." Jason said as he flew towards its location.

Arriving at two similar scenes, Jason frowned as he still didn't spot the large shark. It wasn't until he saw a large fin in the distance and a large boat with some running around. From their words, they were attempting to deal with this 'megalodon'.

"Lilith I found it." Jason told his AI.

"Be careful, master. There might be another one."

"Is there anywhere I put this thing?"

"From what I can gather from the research lab. This shark is a megalodon and it has been trapped at the bottom of the ocean for millions of years."

"So it is a highly inbred shark, great. That still doesn't tell me where I should take it."

"Your best option is to either freeze it and hand it over to the researchers or to kill it. This thing proved too dangerous to leave alone in the ocean."

"If I hand it over, there is a chance it could escape, but I also don't want to kill it."

"Sorry, Master but these are the only options. If you return it to where it came from, it is possible for it to return once more." Lilith replied.

Taking a deep breath, Jason blew out freezing a large patch of the ocean. Inside, the Megalodon tried desperately to escape but was soon frozen inside. Lifting the large cube of ice, Jason carried it over towards the stunned researchers.

After a few words, he was prepared to leave when an even larger shark bursted out of the ocean. Catching it before it fell back into the water, Jason had on thought.

'I hope the girls won't mind me being late.'


At the charity event, Felicia was chatting away, while Lala was looking at the news. There it was reported Superman was currently dealing with a large-scale threat. In the photo it showed two large sharks held up.

'I guess I can't forgive him for being late.' Lala thought as she put her phone away.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts