
New Familiar!

(A/N: I don't why it took my this long to do this and why I put so much thought on who she'll be when she is the Cover Pic, but whatever)

Cao Tai POV

<The popular saying, 'The early bird catches the worm' must be really growing on you considering you woke up at 2 AM, however I see two problems with that idiom, one, your not a bird. Two, you are awake before the worms are.>

I woke up to THIS?! "Agh... Go away, System... I need to focus on what overpowered familiar to get, and then I'll go back to sleep, and then I'll go catch the worms at 6:30, how does that sound?" I groan.

<Would you like me to aid you in finding such a familiar?>

What?! The System wants to be HELPFUL!?


OK, so anyways, I want a powerful familiar, but one that will be already grown up, listens to me, but won't be dependent on them, like if I don't directly tell her to eat she wont eat.

<Filtering... OK, anything else..?>

Umm... She wont milk me dry every time I try to arise from my slumber? Won't be an attention whore? Won't pull pranks on me using their magical powers?

<So you're OK with them not using magic to pull pranks on you? Well that scratches Leprechaun...> [Yes, I actually considered it...]

Someone who is faithful and uhh... that's it..?

<Huh, this is going to be hard, I have a good species, but I'm not sure if I can find someone in that species who is faithful... as in a lovers way>

That makes it sound like it's going to be another female, oh well... lets see how and who she'll be.

... An Hour Later …

Where is she..?

<Still looking, please wait...>

Well, the Early Bird did what he had to, now he'll let the worm finish up its job, while he's waiting for the Early Bird to make up for some lost Z's. Wake me up when you find a good candidate.

<Trust me, I don't need to wake you up... she'll wake you herself>

That's not reassuring but I really need that sweet, sweet sleep.

* R18 Starts Here *

"Mmph!" A distinctly female voice rings, my body feeling all warm but my respond doesn't move, am I being pinned by Violet or something?

"Don't struggle, Master~ Your body was too good too ignore, especially since you have been ignoring me, waiting for you to wake up," The voice says, a melodious voice, which reminds me of a Courtesan I met in my previous life.

"Can I move my head please? I would like to see who is removing my pants and laying on my lap," I command, if its anything like what I specified to the System, she should listen to me...


"I guess you should see my face, it wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to see," The woman snaps her fingers and my eyes fling open and I rotate my neck around to see if it moves which it does.

Peering around the room I see her clothes tossed to the side, purple and heavy white clothing which reminded me of the heavy gear some of the Mountain Legions wore.

I looked at the person who woke me up and was supposed to be new Familiar. Her face made it look like she couldn't be more than 21, long purple hair and slightly pink eyes, and her most noticeable feature, large horns.

Those kind of reminded me of a rams, but there was something more noticeable, something she was trying to hide.

The reason why she wears heavy clothes even though she is beautiful enough to flaunt her body and get a brigade of simps. She had huge tattoo's covering her whole body, most of them made of intricate design, like the story of their life. (Polynesian Tattoo's, kinda)

"Are you disgusted yet..?" She gently asks, her tattoo's slowly disappearing, except several thick lines remained.

My little brother was already standing, it has been for a while, "Come on, I'll confess that tattoo's won't get me hard... and if I had control of my arms your mouth would be too bush sucking dick to be ashamed of tattoo's" I say, grinning, thinking if I could *repurpose* those horns for something else...

*GULP* WHAT!? I cummed without noticing!? Quickly regaining control of my hands I demand compensation, another milking round soon follows.

She quickly gets me every time, licking off some of the spunk that got around her lips, she grins, "Your such a quick shooter... but I guess we can work on that~" She smiles devilishly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, consider adding this to your library!


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