
Introduction to Magic [R18]

Cao Tai POV

As I open the door, I was greeted with yet again, a new kind of architecture, it didn't look like an old cathedral, nor from something that I commonly seen in my old world.

I was greeted by a big white room, with a seat in front of this odd wall that could change colors.

I sat in front of one of the vacant spots and was greeted with the screen changing colors and displaying, {Greetings to the Magical library of Auburn, I am Jarvis [YESSSS] what can I do for you today?}

A board with a bunch of letters on it slides out and I slowly click on them, 'I would like to get a book covering magic and a book telling me about the continent Hou, please'

I press INPUT and the board slides back into the wall and the picture on the wall changes.

{One moment please...}

I turn around to see Violet and Sasha looking at me bewildered by how easily I used it, like I've used it before, "What? It's not that difficult to use"

Violet raises her eyebrow but says nothing while Sasha just nodded.

{Here are your results:

On your query on Basics of Magic: 999+ Results

On your Query on Basics of the Realm of Hou: ~400 Results

Would you like to make your search more specific?}

The board slides out and I type, 'Only in the language of Hou, please. And for the Basics of Magic search, put it in order of relevance, language of Hou, and with a focus on how to absorb Magic from the air.'

{One moment please...}


After roughly half an hour of refining my searches, I could see steam (or is it smoke?) coming out of Jarvis, as well as Sasha and Violet, so I decide that maybe I'll take the books I have now.

'I'll take all of the books available right now.'

{Thank you sir, have a good read. If you do not return these books in 3 weeks, they will be automatically teleported back to the library.}

Another compartment opens and 4 books pop out, by the looks of it, 3 about absorbing magic and 1 about the Realm of Hou.

I walk out and ask if Sasha wants to read these books.

She takes one book on how to access magic and I take the others and begin to read...


Narrator POV

Cao Tai & Sasha begin to read the books in front of them, while Violet quickly gets bored and hasn't quite felt right since her Master hugged her, promptly leaves the library to look for a way to relieve stress.

She begins to adventure the streets looking for a way to relieve how she feels.

Walking in the streets she quickly finds herself in the Red Light District, and sees plenty of beauties, and realizes how to relieve her 'stress' she walks up to a random lady and grabs her by the hand, knocks her out, and leads her back to Sasha's house...


---- Futa Lemon Scene [A short one] ----

Violet POV

Today was a tough day, my mind sore from keeping away from Master, so I've decided to 'release' my emotions on someone less... important.

As we arrive at Sasha's place I tear off her clothes and throw her on the bed.

She pressed against the bed, trying to cover her naked body with her hands. "Don't resist, then you might like it," I whisper.

My half-grown dick quickly found her semi-open mouth. It began to slide inside her lips, rubbing against her palate, getting harder with every movement. Soon I could not restrain myself, threw her to the ground and pressed it from behind in her vagina.

I fucked her at a frantic pace, even though she couldn't take it all, I kept shaking from the collision of my dragon with her uterus. Finally her plaintive wails for help turned into moans of pleasure.

From these sounds my pleasure, like a big wave, swallowed me up, I pull out and howl, "MASTER!" and poured out onto her body with a stream of sperm.

I kept on going for a good hour, before feeling better, by the time I was done the room was pretty much white with all the seed I poured on the walls, I tell the slut to clean the room and then go home.

As I walk out the door, I feel better, glad that I relieved myself before I exploded.

---- Scene End ---- [Hope you enjoyed]


Cao Tai POV

After reading the part of how to absorb Magical Essence from the air I begin to try it out myself.

Lying down, I shut my eyes and begin to clear my mind.

After I finished that task I focused on making a 'core' that was the progression to Cultivation Level 2 of the Human Realm.

Which is quite simple, at least in the writing, it also mentioned that you should do it somewhere close, like the stomach or heart, since if it gets disconnected, well, you lose all of your magical powers, as well as the bloodlines, if you have one.

Before I started this 'ritual' I was pondering where to put my core, it was clear that I should do it somewhere vital already, like where I'd die even if I didn't have the core, like the heart, but not there, since thats where they expect it to be.

There was only one other place that was like the heart in importance, the head.

I also wager that Magic could help mend a pierced heart [Authors Edit, I would've said mend a broken heart, but thats a lie *starts to cry*]

But if someone say, decapitates you, well, your done for. No matter how fast your regeneration is, you'll always end up brain dead.

So I decide to form it in my head.


Once it's formed, I feel well... the same.

'Hey system, how much Magical Essence is there in my Magical Core?'

<Checking... You have: 0/1,000,000>

<To Increase your Magical Core size you must progress to Stage 3 of the Human Cultivation Realm, to progress to this stage you must have 150,000 Magical Essence and must sacrifice 50 Drowned, 1 Entian, and 1 Manticore>

<Once you get to this stage you shall receive the benefits of knowledge on how to cultivate via Sexual Intercourse, have an increased Magical Core capacity of 500,000 and more perks available in the system store>

Interesting, but for the beginning I guess I should start with cultivating the required Essence so I can progress.


<Ding! You cultivated 751 Magical Essence in... 4 Hours and 37 Minutes!>

I get up to see Sasha frustrated, trying to cultivate.

I walk up to her and she stops, looking up at me, and I give her a headpat, and she purrs.

Oh... she's not a human, maybe I should see if they need a special way to Cultivate.

I take the Magical cultivation books back to the counter and ask for a book to help Foxen cultivate, which was quite common, since they are in the continent of Hou in large numbers.

Dragons though, I don't think there'll be any cultivation books for them, due to their rarity. So I hope Violet knows how to cultivate (She already knows how to Dual Cultivate, after all, she did it 3 hours ago)

I hand Sasha the book, and look up to see Violet sitting there, reading the book on Hou.

I walk up to her, "Well, have you found something interesting to read?"

"Nope, but I want to be a helpful person to Master! So I'll read this book anyways!"

I nod in approval and I ask her if she knows how to cultivate.

She blushed but nods.

Lemme know if you like the story so far [And what I've missed]

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