

said arranged for her grandparents to wait in the living room. Then she quickly got ready for the day. It took her less than ten minutes to come downstairs, freshly dressed and teeth brushed. They grumbled about the time she took.

Lina ignored it. The entire car ride to the Yang Main Mansion was filled with silence. Lina could feel her grandmother's scrutinizing eyes. She knew her grandmother was checking for her teachings.

Lina was the picture-perfect granddaughter that Rina wanted. She kept her legs neatly tucked on the ground, tilted to the side for elegance. She rested her hand on her lap and peered out the window. These actions happened by muscle memory.

Even now, Lina could feel the harsh ruler on her hands and legs. When Lina was young, Rina would discipline her. Each time Lina's legs weren't properly tucked, she'd receive a hit from the ruler. Even when her hands were out of place, she'd receive another hit. 
