
Chapter 34: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 12, Ryan Arrives

“Hello, Mr Alexanders...”

“Kirstie, we discussed this before. We’re not at work now. It’s James...”

“Hello, James. Michael here was just telling me how you saved Charlotte’s life...”

His eyes roll sideways. “I thought we agreed not to advertise that...” he mutters.

Michael’s grin is unrepentant. “We agreed not to advertise it unnecessarily. Sometimes it is appropriate.”

“Like when?”

“Like when Marcie gets disparaging about my best friend and risks my wife punching her teeth out.”

James frowns. “Have I missed something?”

I’m saved from answering. Ryan appears at the door.

“He’s here then?” says Michael.


“No woman smiles like that at the arrival of a random stranger.” His words are calm, but his eyes are smiling.

I blush.

Oh, God. I just blew off your brother...

“Kirstie, it’s alright.” He touches my hand; the briefest of glancing touches. “Ben’s a good man, even if it doesn’t look that way to you right now. But he’s not the right man for you.”
