
Array Shit

Arguable. It was something that couldn't happen if he was only a newcomer.

"It is actually my first day, so I don't know what the rules are. So, since this is an array specialized sect, I bet you won't ignore the fact that I only protected myself with it." Lucas nonchalantly said, but deep inside, his soul was shouting wildly.

'Array shit! I don't know a thing about arrays, so can you please let me have my peace of learning arrays!'

If ever Lucas learned an array that could absorb specific energy, he'd leave this sect at once, but since he didn't know where it was and if it even existed, he could just learn it normally.

As 'normal' it was, Lucas also wanted to learn how sects operate. However, he wasn't totally expecting that even inside sects, there would be a strong hierarchy that sets rules that only exist in disciples. Well, of course, it was natural, but not to this extent that he would be slightly troubled.
