
Cap 285: Assault on Farus' Fortress part 3

I was starting to get irritated and frustrated, I didn't think it would take this long for the plan to be put into practice, this enemy is strong and isn't even giving me time to breathe. 

  Suddenly I have a bad feeling and I get down, then something big goes over me and hits the wall, when I look I see it was the village leader, she gets up and runs in the same direction she came from, it seems she too is facing a strong enemy, but I cannot afford to divert my attention from this Death Knight. 

  "< Rise and Fight >" (Knight of Death) 

  I was finding it strange that he didn't attack me, but I soon understood why, black energy covered his sword when he stuck it in the ground, then this black energy spreads for ten meters around him, soon half of the corpses get up and come in my direction, that's over twenty undead. 

  "< Arrows of Light > ×20" (I) 
