
The Third Hokage


In the last chapter, one of the commenters mentioned that I haven't displayed his mask much, so this chapter is mainly dedicated to displaying that.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, hopefully you don't mind it being longer than usual :)

[3263 words]


Chapter 19

The Third Hokage

{3rd POV}

[Inside the Hokage's office]

''Have the Uchiha's made anymore moves?'' Hiruzen asked while smoking a pipe.

''No, they have not made any more movements other than slowly opening the police force'' Koharu responded.

''Hiruzen, we can't keep rejecting their proposals, it's just worsening our relationship with needless suspicion'' Homura informed the hokage, however, a man sitting beside him did not take to such words nicely.

''Needless Suspicion! Their movements have been everything but unsuspicious, why would they suddenly make so many movements in such a small time span. All I can smell is a plot from those Uchihas'' Danzo shouted as he violently slammed his hands on the table, splintering it in the process.

''About that, I have recently asked my advisors Takaki Nara and Daiki Yamanaka to investigate this matter'' Hiruzen waved to Danzo to calm down while placing his pipe down to inform the council.

Koharu looks at Hiruzen with a questioning gaze,''What have they found out?''

''Apparently, before this whole viasco began, Masahiro had informed Takaki of his movements as insurance of their loyalty. Takaki found no lies within his plans, all they wanted to do was to improve their relationship with the village''

Homura looked at Hiruzen and drummed his finger in contemplation at Hiruzen's words.

''If the Nara is saying such things then their movements are most likely without ill intent, however, how can his words be trusted, he may have lied for his friend for all we know'' Homura questioned doubtfully.

''And why has he only decided to relay such important information to us now?'' Danzo continued off Homura's questioning.

Seeing that the suspicion was only increasing, Hiruzen just sighed and then looked at the ceiling for a few minutes before responding to them.

''Of course, I held the same suspicions as you all, the Nara of course knew such doubt would form so he opted for Daiki to search his memories. Such a suggestion already displayed his loyalty to the village, but, once we looked at his memories we found no lies...''

''However, his delay of relaying such information was a favour asked by Masahiro and it was for a justifiable reason. If they had told us their movements, how many of us would oppose them?''

All of the council nodded their heads in response to his question, displaying their opposition.

''See we would have never given them such a chance in the first place if they had told us, although, I still hold some suspicion towards them, they never had any need to inform Takaki of their plans if they were planning something malicious''

Koharu looked at Hiruzen once again, her face further scrunched up in confusion.

''Then why have you been opposing their movements if you have had access to such information, your actions have only soured our relations with the multiple clans in the village''

''Would it not be more suspicious if I suddenly accepted all their movements. To add to that, it would ruin my image for not holding any opposition at all. If I want to improve their relationship with the village then I have to play my role as well, I hold no grudge towards the Uchiha, they are an important force in our army. I want to improve our relations with them just as much as they want to improve their relations'' Hiruzen answered.

''But, has it not been long enough, you have opposed their movements for two years and the Uchiha's are not known for their patience'' Koharu continued quizzically.

Hiruzen only stood up in response and went to his main office table and took out a bundle of documents and handed them out evenly across the table.

''Yes, that is mostly why I have called this council, I am planning to relent on my opposition from here on out and accept more Uchiha in our ranks. Furthermore, the anbu will slowly open up to them as well, preventing them from joining the anbu has been a stupid decision as we are understaffed as is, however, it was a decision that was required to solidify my stance''

Danzo then picked up the paper and read through each paper. Upon finishing reading them all, only rage could be seen on his face as he looked fiercely at Hiruzen. Hiruzen only groaned, already knowing his friend's reaction.

''You plan to make Sojiro Uchiha a lieutenant and a potential successor to my position! Are you mocking me! And this!'' He pointed aggressively at a picture of a boy on one of the papers.

''You plan to accept a child into the ranks of the Anbu! Have you forgotten our reputation and our pride! To bow down to them so fast, my opinion of you has fallen Hiruzen!'' Danzo aggressively grasped the papers, crumpling them and threw them to the floor in anger.

''Danzo...sit down'' Hiruzen looked fiercely at Danzo's disrespect, his tone conveying his bubbling rage.

''Your actions have not only disrespected me by making such moves but our sensei's determination! Do you not see you ruined our only chance to make them obedient, with Masahiro gone, they no longer have the power to defy us!''

''SIT DOWN! Have you forgotten who I am! I am your hokage and you will respect me!'' Hiruzen's rage engulfed the room as an outburst of chakra exploded causing the area to shake and rumble in response.Hiruzen's chakra outburst sent shivers down all the members in the room at his power and the room began to quiet down.

''Do not speak to me about sensei! Do you think sensei wanted the Uchiha to obey us in such a manner, he only wanted to have friendly relations with them to respect Hashirama-sama's will! Don't you dare speak to me about disrespecting him!'' Hiruzen shouted in rage, slamming his hands on the table, shattering it in the process. He then sat back down and took deep breaths to calm himself from Danzo's remarks.

''Danzo...Has the authority of Root made you so rebellious...Do you really think I haven't noticed any of your movements...I agreed to make tongue seals on Root anbu, however, don't push your luck any further. Just because they rejected your offer, that does not mean you can ruin their chances of reconciliation at a problem their predecessors have caused''

Hiruzen just looked at Danzo as he calmly pinpointed facts that have made Danzo so resistant to his movements. All Danzo could do was clench his fists in vexation at his lack of power.

''Hah...Now lets actually start discussing my proposals rather than insulting me'' Hiruzen just sighed as the rest just nodded at his words and looked through the papers. After a few minutes, Homura looked up from his pile and asked.

''Why have you chosen Sojiro specifically for the position of commander rather than Takaki?''

''I have not disregarded Takaki from his promised position, I plan to change our army system into two commanders once Danzo becomes the anbu commander after serving his time as Jonin commander. All of you have been ignoring the Uchihas so you have not noticed, but their elders are all closing in on the power of S-rank, with Masahiro being able even to rival Tobirama-sensei in power during his prime. Sojiro, although the weakest in strength, has the greatest intellect and greatest strategic mind that the Uchiha have seen in generations…'''

''Although he may be rather old, can you imagine an army with both Takaki and Sojiro. Our strategies will be revolutionized with such minds, and giving such a position will only help their relations with us. To throw away such an opportunity for petty pride will leave us to become a laughing stock for future generations''

Homura kept quiet as he picked up his papers again and continued to read through them. For a few minutes only the shuffling of papers could be heard until Koharu voiced out a another question.

''Why this child?'' Koharu voiced out as she pointed to the picture of the child. Seeing the picture, Hiruzen only sighed as he rubbed his temples at the stress he was feeling.

''The child has potential, potential that has only been seen by Madara. We need to put him under control before we have another situation like his. Furthermore, he poses a much bigger risk than any other genius we have seen to date. Each genius we have seen within the village have had some kind of quirk that have prevented them from being liked to the fullest, however, this child…Within the few months of being within the academy, he has befriended most of the students and teachers within his year and has begun to approach his seniors as well…''

''He has even begun to befriend the Hyuga's. This isn't Madara anymore, this child's charisma is a much more volatile element than anything we have seen within the Uchiha's. You cannot reach such a friendly stage with every person meaning that he manipulates each person to some extent. Can you imagine fighting against such a person? That is why we need to put him under control when he is young before this problem escalates into something bigger'' Hiruzen said with a grim voice, picking up his smoke pipe once again to relieve his stress.

''Have you not thought that you may be manipulated yourself?'' Homura asked with raised brows.

''If a child can manipulate me from such a young age then the whole village would be under his strings by now...However, your words do ring true, that is why we are going to conduct a test later today to test his motives and whether he is worthy of being in the Anbu...If I have find he has no ill will we will accept him once he becomes a Chunin, however, if he does have ill will...he will be eliminated immediately'' He informed gravely.

''What about the opposition you may face from the Uchihas, you are sending an extremely valuable successor to a force where death is prevalent'' Koharu probed as she set the papers back to the table.

''From what the anbu have informed me, they plan to send an application for him anyways once he becomes a chunin, so our intentions coincide'' Hiruzen responded.

Silence once again filled the air as Danzo eyed at the information before with a dangerous glint within his eyes. He then looked up and spoke with a grim tone that caught the hokage's attention

''Hiruzen, you are making a big mistake integrating the Uchihas into our village to such an extent, they are parasites and parasites will take every drop of blood from you before leaving. I hope you do not regret your decision today'' He then stood up and left the room with slow steps.

''Hah, you are dismissed'' Hiruzen informed tiredly as he laid his drained body on his chair as he thought about today's events. He then waved at the air, causing a woman with a cat mask to appear.

''Neko, go bring the child'' He ordered.


{Hiruzen's POV}

I feel like I've aged a few years after that meeting. Hah...The Uchihas never cease to make trouble, intentional or unintentional. Let's get the boy's meeting out of the way, so I can at least relax for a few hours, though paperwork in front of me seems to disagree with my proposition.

After a few minutes, Neko finally arrived informing me that the boy was waiting in front of the door. Seeing no reason to delay the meeting any further I allow him to enter.

''You may enter'' I announce, causing the door to open to reveal a slender boy with black eyes and medium length, unkempt black hair with a tightly tied braid along the left side of his head. The boy was wearing a two layer hoari above a balck yukata, the lower layer being white and the upper one being of a beige colour, both of which strangely seemed to fit his figure despite being rather large for him.

However, what truly alarmed me was his face, his features were reminiscent of Masahiro's, but the expression he wore was not. The boy had come in with a serene smile that made me unconsciously lower my guard down, he seemed to emanate a peaceful atmosphere that seemed to be unhindered by my presence or the multiple Anbus surrounding the room.

I could hear bells ringing in my head trying their best to inform me of the danger this boy posed.

I could feel it, this boy was dangerous, far more dangerous than any other child I have ever seen. The minute he entered, I could feel him silently slivering his way into my head, slowly coiling around me, poisoning me with his presence without me noticing. I could even feel the anbu's outside relax in his presence.

I could sense my conscience telling me to kill this boy right away. This boy posed a much bigger risk than Orichimaru. Orochimaru at his age, although slightly unsettling, was just a curious boy with a large passion for science, but the boy in front seems like an abyss, someone I can't understand no matter what I do. To have such a perfect mask that he could cause such an effect on me, the rumours that the Uchihas were spreading weren't lies after all, even when I greeted him at Masahiro's funeral, he never had such an unsettling effect. I guess him interacting with so many people has improved his mask.

''Hokage-sama, is something wrong?'' The boy asked as he innocently tilted his head in confusion with the same calm smile on his face. His question allowed me to escape from my stupor as I allowed myself to inhale a large amount of smoke from my pipe to calm my nerves around the child.

''I apologize, young Arata, you just reminded me so much of your grandfather that I couldn't help but feel surprised'' I lied to him trying to regain my bearings.

''I'm flattered by your comparison, Hokage-sama, he is my idol after all'' He replied innocently with a happy smile, a calculative gleam never leaving his eyes.

''I'm sure you're confused about why you were brought here, I will explain why shortly. For now, I would like to ask you a question, young Arata...'' My tone turned serious, however, his serene smile stayed all the same.

''How do you feel about the village?'' I ask, my gaze turned sharp as I assessed any movements that may reveal his thoughts to me. I roused my chakra and spread my chakra around the child to try to sense his emotions. Although my ability to sense enemies may be lacking, I have the ability to sense people close by, that is the minimum imposed upon by sensei. Arata just politely responded to my question. There was no suspicious movements, no change in his vitals, no change in his emotions.

''This village is a place I must protect. I have to come to like many people within this village, they are people I consider as family and therefore I must protect them. If I did not, I would desecrate the hopes my grandfather had placed upon me'' He calmly responded to my interrogation, every word filled with eloquence.

I just slightly looked up and looked at a Hyuga Anbu hidden beside the door. He gave me a nod, informing me that the truth was told. I silently sighed in relief. Such a volatile element was extremely dangerous, that is if they are your enemy. As an ally they could be your greatest weapon.

''Then what is your goal?'' I continue my questioning, much more relaxed this time.

''Hokage-sama, this may sound ridiculous, however, it is the truth…'' The boy mysteriously responds.

''I merely want to laze around the rest of my life without any worries'' He announces with confidence, every movement filled with elegance only the Uchiha could achieve.

I just stared at the boy wide eyed. All the power he has, the potential, the mask, the connections, all of it was just for him to live lazily. I knew he was telling the truth, but I couldn't believe his words. So much potential power at his grasps and yet all he wants is to be lazy. I couldn't help but laugh.

''Hahaha!''My genuine laughter resounding throughout the room, as I let out a smile at the befuddled boy who was tilting his head in confusion at my reaction.

''I suppose every genius must have his quirks'' I say

'You having such a quirk is a relief in itself' I say inwardly as I continue to suck on my pipe.

''I do not know what has amused you so much Hokage-sama, but I am happy that I could provide you with some entertainment'' he cooly responds.

''Your response was just a surprise, that's all…'' I empty the ash from my pipe and continue smoking.

''Well now, the reason I brought you here was just to confirm your suitability to be an Anbu ninja in the future. You will be one of the first Uchihas to be integrated into the system so naturally we had to undergo a test to see where your priority is held, this point is even more vital with how young you are. I hope you are fine with this arrangement'' I ask, already knowing his answer.

''I have no problems, Hokage-sama'' He elegantly bows in response.

''I see...Then since we are finished, you may leave as I still have this heap of paperwork to finish'' I say as I tiredly turned my gaze to the towering pile of paper. At this point, I think my assistants are purposely stacking them in one pile to inflict physiological damage on me for delegating the last pile to them.

''Hokage-sama, this may be impudent of me to suggest but, why do you not use shadow clones to resolve this issue?'' His question left me shocked.

My brain just short-circuited as I digested his words. Why have I been torturing myself with so much work, why have I had so many sleepless nights of pain and torture when I had an easily accesible option before me. Am I unconsciously a masochist? I really do think I'm into masochism, why else would such an obvious option disappear from my brain. I refuse to believe that I, the professor, could be so stupid to forget such an option. I have decided, from now on I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, am a masochist. Therefore, I will order as many masochistic pornos as possible.


''That you see young Arata is because I must be ready for an enemy attack at any moment so I must have my full chakra at all times. That is one of the qualities a hokage requires'' I said while nodding wisely at my words that I skillfully made up in a few seconds.

''I see... As expected of Hokage-sama'' He just nodded at my words, impressed at my wisdom.

''Well then, good day to you Hokage-sama'' He bowed gracefully and left the room.

Seeing the boy leave, I immediately left the room leaving multiple clones, ordering the anbu not to follow me as I rushed to a highly important destination. My hidden porn shelf.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I tried experimenting with more POVs than usual, hope it was to your liking.

Other than that, enjoy the rest of your day :)

Riklentcreators' thoughts