
V.3-C.18│Yuuzhan Vong III│

"Emperor. The Yuuzhan Vong are starting to make a move, but they are not starting with the Empyreans territories. Instead, they are going after the splintered Galactic Republic." Grievous reported to Anakin.

Technically, Anakin never needed people to report to him, but again... being social is important when you are in a position like Anakin's. His wives may not need to be like this, because they dont really need to do anything because it is Anakin that is in charge.

"Going after the splintered Republic is smart. They are opportunists." Someone else said this. One of the various elected representatives within the Empyrean.

A council was being held, where everyone gathers together to decide the direction of what happens next.

"Yes. I agree. What we should be doing is reinforcing our own spatial borders, so that those beings dont come after us." Someone else said.

"That is why I have decided to make sure that the Empyrean is a very defensive Empire." Anakin interjected.

"Your foresight is amazing, my Emperor." Another person bootlicked, because of course what Anakin had done was good and all, but they still would have bootlicked even if he made a bad decision.

Unlike Palpatine, whom would wait to inform the Republic of the Yuuzhan Vong threat, Anakin had been doing so for a few years now.

Why wouldn't he do so? It was better that people knew of things to come earlier, so that they may prepare earlier for it. The way Palpatine had handled this situation was not a way that Anakin would handle it as there was alot at stake when it came down to it.

If Palpatine had actually won and survived for along enough time, then he would most probably lose to the Yuuzhan Vong.

"There is no need to talk about my foresight. What we should be discussing is what has been happening within the Empyrean territories. The economy and military is relatively stable now that we have grown independence." Anakin said.

"Yes, my Emperor. There has been progress of most epic proportions." Someone replied.

Now that things had escalated to this point, the Empyrean was able to expand some more, specifically into the sector housing the Kaminoan species. Anakin's somewhat perfect species to use them for the scientific realm of things.

With everything splintered now, this made it especially easy for Anakin and the Empyrean to make a move on this sector and all of the star systems within.

The first one to become under the Empyrean was Varristad, a small mining planet located in the Varristad system within the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Since the planet had no atmosphere, all of the inhabitants lived in a large habitation dome owned by a rival of Offworld Mining Corporation.

When the dome was compromised by Jemba the Hutt, over 250,000 people were killed. The company mining the planet went bankrupt, and the mining rights were cheaply obtained by Offworld.

Varristad would become another planet supplying minerals and stuff like that.

Next is Molavar, a backwater, desert world in the Outer Rim Territories, with a number of seedy spaceports and low-income moisture farms. It was inhabited by beings of various species, but especially by the native Molavaran race.

Molavar for all its downsides also had some upsides, specifically in that it would now become somewhat of Tatooine 2.0. Specifically it would be a planet that created energy, and large amounts of energy due to its star, or sun.

After this was the next planet of Galpos II, a desolate planet in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was suspected to be a base for pirate groups operating in the sector. The Empyrean would turn this into a planet that would become another training ground, or academy of sorts for those interested in positions within the military.

Next was a relatively important place, or at least it would have been important without the interference from Anakin.

Scarif was a remote, tropical planet in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Although a small and idyllic world, Scarif played an important part in the Galactic Empire's military-industrial complex, becoming a center for top-secret research beyond inspection distance of the prying eyes of the Imperial Senate.

Among the projects stored here was the Death Star battle station, a construction so important the entire planet was covered by a planetary deflector shield that could only be entered via a Shield Gate, a Golan M3185 space station.

Scarif was a verdant, beautiful if relatively small world, measuring just over nine thousand kilometers in diameter. It had a remote and isolated galactic location in the Abrion sector of the southeast Outer Rim Territories.

A deep-blue world speckled with clouds, Scarif was comprised of tropical, volcanic island chains rising from clear, shallow oceans. Deeper oceans teeming with life were surrounded by rocky archipelagos. The planet's mantle was filled with dense metals that became valuable in starship construction.

However, now it would be under Anakin's control and he would also repurpose it into something else. Something similar to what Palpatine had planned out, but he wasn't using as a massive machine of death and destruction.

Well... maybe it would be similar in that aspect as well, since this planet was to be the place the official reconstruction for the Star Forge was going to take place. Within a few months, on average, it should be complete.

After the Star Forge, it wouldn't lose its purpose and would instead become a place to create or manufacture technology. Tatooine was already starting to reach its limits, so another planet dedicated to the creation of tech would be of importance.

Next was another important place, which was of very, very important status.

Ukio was a well-known agriworld in the Ukio system of the Abrion sector and the homeworld of the Ukians. It served as one of the top producers of foodstuffs for the Core Worlds. Anakin had a few planets already that could be considered agriworlds, but with this under his control he would be hitting Palpatine hard.

Their food supplies would be lowered, but it would also affect the rest of the galaxy as well. That was fine because Anakin and those working within the various sectors would also be able to regulate this properly.

Anakin didn't like the idea of using the Empyreans resources to make innocent people suffer, which they were unfortunately under Palpatine. He knew however that this was properly the best option when it comes to restricting Palpatine.

Not just that however, as the next step is to stop the Yuuzhan Vong from being able to take resources from them.

Next was Kamino, called Big Stormy by some clone troopers, also known as the Planet of Storms, was an aquatic planet located in a remote star system in Wild Space, beyond the Outer Rim and was straggled south of the Rishi Maze, a dwarf satellite galaxy.

Due to it position past the rim of the galaxy, it was sometimes regarded as extra-galactic. It was inhabited by a race of tall, elegant beings called the Kaminoans and the capital world of the Ruling Council, headed by the Prime Minister.

Kaminoans kept to themselves and were known for their cloning technology, and for the creation of a clone army for the Galactic Republic.

Instead of cloning, they would be working for Anakin exclusively. Specifically in the creation of his synths, special organ implants and other things like their current clones being grown. Instead of them going to the Republic turned Empire, they would come under the Empyrean instead.

Clones, covert technology, Fish, military weapons and hardware. Things that the Empyrean would no doubt benefit from.

Next was Rishi, a tropical planet in the Rishi system which was located in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet was the homeworld of the avian Rishii. Rishi was a planet located in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories, along the Manda Merchant Route. It was also the endpoint of the only well-traveled hyperlane into the Rishi Maze, the Zareca String.

Rishi was the homeworld of the Rishii, a winged species, who lived in nests on the mountains of Rishi. In addition to the lush tropical terrain, Rishi's surface featured mountains, valleys, and swamps. Human and alien colonists lived in the deep valleys, while the Rishii lived in the high mountains.

The planet was known for its rich fossil fuel resources, especially exonium. This just meant more resources for the Empyrean.

Second to last on the list was Garban, the homeworld of the Jenet species and the fourth planet in the Tau Sakar system. It was located in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories, in the region between the Perlemian Trade Route and Corellian Run known as the Slice.

Many Jenet Community Heaps were spread around the temperate world, that collected scavenged materials such as discarded food, tools, and household items.

They were administered by the Jenets' government. The planet was riddled with profitable mines. The planet was not part of the Galactic Republic, but was part of the Galactic Empire, under which the Jenet were forced into the ore mines as slaves.

Anakin says no to slavery, so that would not be happening, especially since they are not under anyone, until they came under the Empyrean.

The last planet within the Abrion sector is Hishyim, a planet covered by a vast desert, located in the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It would have been the site of an Imperial patrol station during the Thrawn crisis.

So, Hishyim would also be turned into a patrol station, but instead of an Imperial station, it would be an Empyrean station. Not every planet could have something extracted from them and used for something else.

It was impossible to find every planet useful to oneself without having to take a lose to their development.

"The is the end of the report." The reporting official said, as everyone went over all of this new information and how it may better the Empyrean's current state of being.

"If that is all, you are all dismissed." Anakin stood up as he left the throne room and went in another direction within.

The officials, representatives and various other people, along with Grievous also left as well. Getting back to other things within their lives, as they dont spend the entirety of their lives just dedicated to the Empyrean as they have families and stuff like that.


"So, you wanted to see me?" Anakin asked as he nonchalantly stayed seated within his bedroom. Specifically he was sitting in a meditative position, as once again, Ahsoka had come in to 'learn' from him, but he knew better.

"Yeah... So when is it that we can start... you know..." Ahsoka seemed hesitant to say something that was on her mind, despite being the very same person to arrange this meet up.

"I know...? What? You want to be in a relationship now? You cant even wait a few weeks from now until I would consider you of age?" Anakin replied, asking Ahsoka in turn what she thought about the situation.

"You're right. I am impatient." Ahsoka rolled her eyes as she got closer and took a seat herself, but instead on the opposite side of Anakin, she sat down right next to him.

"What are you doing now?" Anakin asked, his eyes still closed, but he had a vague idea of what Ahsoka would do next.

She hugged him, which would be disturbing if he actually needed to be calm to meditate. "This is what I am doing. Are you going to stop me?" Ahsoka asked in return, her voice filled with mirth.

"Why would I stop you? You aren't going to do anything inappropriate are you?" Anakin replied, asking a question of his own.

"I-Inappropriate? Who do you take me for? I am not Shaak. I am most certainly not like her, wanting to do... things all of the time." Ahsoka said, still embracing Anakin.

"And how do you know that?" Anakin asked.

"What do you mean? I most definitely wasn't doing anything like watching or listening, or anything else like that." Ahsoka put on an innocent looking expression.

"Yeah, I am sure you didn't do something like that." If Anakin had his eyes open, he would roll them. "Patience is all I am going to say. Patience is key here, as you have waited years now, so what would a few more weeks be like?" Anakin continued.

"I guess..."

There may, or may not be a mass release soon. Hold out for a few more days at the most, and it will come.


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