
Chapter 296: Amon's Refuge: Bianca's House

The next morning...

It took hours, which stretched out in such a way that they seemed like days, until Amon and Old Hazael finally returned.

Noticing the subtly tired expression that marked Amon's face, Hazael couldn't contain a deep, hearty laugh. "Hahaha! Ah, my young friend, it seems the adventure had its dull moments, didn't it? But it's precisely in those moments that the best memories are forged!"

It was rare to see Amon, usually so impassive, display any sign of vulnerability. The sight of this rare crack in the young man's unshakeable exterior brought a certain satisfaction to Old Hazael.

For a fleeting moment, Amon's eyes locked onto the elder's with penetrating intensity. He pondered the idea of using his special ability to evoke the emotion of Sadness at its maximum potency. A flash of curiosity crossed his mind: would Hazael still be able to unleash his contagious laughter if enveloped by the deepest melancholy?

It's worth pondering...
