

Two days after the Noble Tribe Title War between Iron Demon Tribe and Dark Gibbon Demon Tribe was voided.

This news reached almost every city in the Ocean Demon Duchy and from some unknown source, everyone found out that this event was related to a thief called Sky Stealer. 

The most frustrated about this event was none other than Demon Duke Livy because he lost a massive face when the public found out a mere thief has stolen the Left Ocean Spear storage ring and even done something ghastly with his face. 

Furthermore, he also got the letter from Henrik himself that he better not took any strange actions since this was related to the enemy of the entire demon race, Hex Demons. At least not until the royal demon council made a decision. 

This left Livy extremely infuriated and helpless because he just wanted to get rid of the incompetent Iron Demon Tribe, and the reason for this was also the appearances of different thieves from their city. 
