
The Dream Job

It was a beautiful day also a busy ordinary Monday, the smell and warmth of the coffee she is drinking indulges to a great start of the day. She looks down at the streets from the bedroom window in her apartment. People are busy walking and running to catch their busses and trains running down the underground staircases to get to the platforms. People were driving in a rush to start the busy week and Elena a beauty in the sunlight and even special in the moonlight always looking young and youthful of about twenty-seven years of age observing the people peacefully. She had glowing skin and a beautiful black long wavy hair and dark eyes and in the size and figure of any woman's dream. It is said an ordinary Monday but it is also a special day for Elena because of her interview at "Focus House" to land her dream job.

Elena always wanted to join one of the best international publishing companies for her passion for writing, reading, arts, and poetry. Next to her is a wall-mounted bookshelf filled with books about vampires, fantasy tales, and murder mysteries. On the table underneath the bookshelf facing the window right next to where she stands is a messy table with two big black candles on its corner and bundles of manuscripts she wrote and papers of beautiful pencil sketches of vampire pictures signed by Elena. The beautiful pencil sketches are the visuals of the characters or ideas she created in her novels. Elena's love for arts and writing was nothing more than to give life for her imaginations and characters to be a reality through words and creativity but she never published or showed her work to anyone who would recognize her talent. She wanted to join a place that allows her to read and understand the ideas, lifestyles, and characters of different authors.

She lives in a small apartment on the third floor in a building that belongs to a grumpy old lady that loses temper especially when the rent is paid late. Elena's apartment interior strongly defines who she is and a unique taste different from what any other girl or woman would prefer as the taste for its interior. Her bed was covered with satin black and dark purple sheets, covers, pillows, and an enormous painting hanged right above the bed of a charming woman's eye. Around the house is lighted with black and gold candles. The windows are decorated with plain black sheer curtains that blow like a melody when the breeze touches the curtains. She lights just one candle, but all the candles are lit at once giving beautiful warm candlelight with slight darkness in every corner of the house. Her attire is fashionable and feminine but not a single light shade attire but dark shades such as black, red, and purple including her nightgowns.

Elena pays the rent on time usually with her only income earned from her part-time job at a small book shop down the street. But the shop owner died recently, and the owner's family decided to close down the shop. As a result, she lost the job with the only income she had to survive. She doesn't associate with many people and a bit of a reserved or mysterious character. She has the most ordinary life for a girl, but with the ability to travel or work at a light speed. What is she? She is a vampire and with her fangs hidden in her disguise as a normal human being. She does not eat a fine-cooked meal or wheat to satisfy her hunger with bread or rice, at least not all the time but consumes the vampire's favorite which is blood to survive. Does that lead to the question of she kills humans? No! She does not kill people, but she sure is a good hunter for animals or drinks blood the moment the butchers in the town kills the animal. But if someone tries to mess with her by crossing her line of patience anything could be possible. She distracts the butcher hypnotizing to be able to fetch the dead chicken or goat and drink its blood until it turns pale and cold. Before she leaves at a light speed, a snap of her long slim fingers brings the butcher back to normal consciousness. He is confused like waking up from a long nap not knowing if he was losing his mind or dreaming, and shrugs getting back with his task.

She walked out of her apartment door wearing a figure-hugging formal attire and a beautiful pair of black high heels holding a plastic folder in her hand looking corporate and beautiful both at the same time. The landlady was complaining about the delay of her rent with a harsh voice standing next to her while she was locking her apartment to leave for her interview.

Finally, she locked the apartment door and looked graciously at the woman, and said in the calmest voice for a vampire "I am sorry for the delay… I promise I will pay within this week okay?"

She gave a smile at the same time she had a cold look in her eyes and the only politeness was her smiling lips. The landlady looked at her surprisingly giving her chills and watched her as she walked past the old lady and down the stairs wearing a fine pair of high heel shoes. The woman felt strange and said to just tell her self "There is something about that girl…something very strange!"

Elena walks to the little lobby area of the apartment building while wearing a maroon trench coat, and stops right at the entrance door. She looks around cautiously and disappeared swiftly appearing near a garbage can in a middle of a busy town between two tall buildings. She walked around the building and looked up at the building right in front of her and she looked at the huge wooden classical style name board that says "FOCUS HOUSE.PUBLISHERS"

She walked in and the girl at the reception with short red hair wearing a light grey suit said "Good morning mam, how may I help you?" Elena responded "Hi I am here for an interview…" The receptionist told her to take a seat where two more ladies were seated saying "Mr. Rollin will be with you shortly!" Elena walked up to the lobby sofa and sat leaving some space between her and the girl seated next to her. The girl right next to her had done her hair finely to a fashion bun wearing a light pink suit with a short skirt showing her fair and slim thighs. She had her legs crossed and looking confident holding a file with many certificates. She seems to be well experienced and the perfect potential employee for the job while Elena did not have any experience of working in a publishing company before, nor did her academic qualification was sufficient for the job. Except she could finish reading the longest manuscript in a couple of seconds and write or work at a light speed. She had the talent of being creative with the most unique imaginations that creates nothing less than a masterpiece. But she cannot tell about her special speed to read or work without revealing who she is and the difference compared to a human.

Elena took a manuscript and some sketches she did from the folder she brought with her. She looked at her sketch which was a heavily built vampire man that looks like royalty fighting with another vampire. She saw from the corner of the eye that the girl seated next to her is looking at her with a curious look on her face. The girl next to her was called and after about half an hour she walked out of the glass double door looking furious and disappointed at the same time. After a minute passed she heard the receptionist say "Yes sir!" into a telephone receiver and stood up looking at Elena. The receptionist smiled and announced "Ms. Elena Vincent?" Elena nodded and the receptionist said in a polite voice "Please go in through the door and turn to your right. You will find Mr. Rollin's office!" Elena stood up and walked through the door and as she turned to her right she saw the gold-plated name board on the wooden door with the name "Jeff Rollin (Chief Executive Officer)."

Elena knocked and opened the door walking into the big office room furnished with rich polished hardwood furniture and a massive window behind the large office table. There was a tall man with broad shoulders standing with a straight posture wearing a rich black business suit looking outside the window. He turned around and he had the most charming masculine face with sharp features and a strong jawline and chin ideal for a perfect male model. He wore a fine modern designed black suit, a white shirt, and a blue and black stripe tie neatly dressed. He had light brown hair styled with hair gel combed back and well-groomed with blue eyes that give a strong and confident look.

He was staring at her with an amused face and instantly changed the impression and slightly smiled saying "Good Morning Miss Vincent! Please have a seat." He showed the two black leather visitor chair in front of the massive office desk. Elena thanked and sat down nervously and looked up at him as he sat on his fine high-back leather chair. He looked at her resume on the table "Tell me about yourself, Elena..."

She responded calmly "I don't have much to say, and I do not have any experience of working in a publishing company before, but I brought some of my work I suppose that would help."

Jeff looked at her and without any expressions said "I know!"

Elena looked at him surprised and asked with a doubtful tone "Pardon?" just to assure what he meant by saying he knows.

He looked away and said, "I mean I know you do not have any experience…I did have a look at your resume!"

He took the manuscript and drawings Elena was handing to him and he quickly glanced at the first five pages of the manuscript and looked at the sketches with great interest. He looks impressed and said "I like these…You're very talented! I would like to consider you and give it a try. I'm sure we can do some great things here with your talent, and I believe having a great creative mind will help to identify a great story."

Elena finally relaxed and said in a very appreciative manner "Oh thank you so much, Mr. Rollin! This means a lot to me…This is honestly my dream job." Jeff looked at her saying "shall we start from tomorrow?' He had a flirting look in his eyes.

Elena responded calmly "Yes, see you tomorrow Mr. Rollin. Thank you again for considering me for this opportunity" She stood up and walked out of the door and as she passed the reception, she smiled at the receptionist. She smiled back the same way but as Elena walked out of the building, the receptionist turned her smile to an unhappy and jealous face.

It strikes midnight on the clock at Jeff's modern mansion designed with a black and white conceptualized interior. There was a white framed sliding glass door opened next to the long black sofa with white designer throw pillows. Outside the sliding door was a big garden with grass and oak trees. Jeff was standing a few steps outside the glass door and he fell on his knees with a scream. He moved his hands and shoulders with great pain screaming with discomfort and turned into a werewolf looking enormous and a powerful beast with pride. It had white as snow and a light grey ring around the neck and tail with strong legs and paws howling to the moon.

She stood up top of the balcony and jumped over it falling lifeless towards the ground, but when she was almost to hit the ground she landed slowly on her bare feet and one hand on the ground supporting her to land with her long finger that had long nails wearing dark red nail polish. She stood up underneath the street lamp looking majestic and beautiful in the middle of the street. The streets were empty but sounds of sirens were heard far away. She quickly vanished to travel at a light speed and appeared in the woods. A few miles away from the town where she lived or where she was just about two seconds ago. She sighted a deer eating grass and it ran away, into the dark woods after it saw her standing a few feet away. She smiled and vanished appearing to walk smoothly on her bare feet dragging the trail of her silk nightgown and behind her, the dead deer was being dragged lifeless on the ground. She was holding dragging from its legs and she let go of it by kneeling next to the dead animal. She bites its neck and drinks its blood peacefully taking her lips off the dead animal which was dripping with blood and vanished. She appeared on the balcony without a drop of blood on her face and her eyes beautiful, calm, and dark looking nothing more than a gorgeous young girl.

Elena was having a shower with cold water but feels like just the right temperature and warmth to her gorgeous skin and body. She stepped out of the shower to dry herself and blow-dried her hair. The hair looked set and completely dry just perfect and all done in just seconds. She selected a high waist skirt and a dark blue silk blouse to wear and she was feeling satisfied and energetic. She took her black coat and walked out locking her door making an appearance as if she left the apartment for work as a normal human being. She just could vanish from her apartment to the workplace but that is no ordinary for a human being to never step out from the apartment who has a job outside. She stepped out saying sarcastically "If she grumbles today…I am going to hypnotize that woman to keep her mouth shut for the entire day!" Luckily the landlady was not around, and as usual, she walked down the stairs into the entrance of the apartment building. She looked around and she vanished appearing behind a building and walked around to the entrance of the building named "Focus House Publishers." She walked through the reception and into the office bumping into an old bald man smiling warmly at her. "Good morning Ms…?"

"Good morning I am Elena…Elena Vincent and you are Mr…?" Asking curiously giving a quick handshake. The man responded "I am Bob Evans, the head of the creative department. I apologize, I was told you will be joining us today but since I haven't met you till now I didn't know it was you we will be expecting. Welcome to the Focus House team, Miss Vincent!"

Elena thanked him politely and Bob uttered "Mr. Rollins told me about some sketches you have done and he was quite impressed. Let me take you to introduce you to the creative department and I will inform the HR department to introduce you and show you around to the rest of the departments." Elena felt grateful for his kindness and said "Thank you, Mr. Evans, truly appreciate it!" They walked up to a hardwood double door, and While he pushed the door open saying "Please call me Bob…after you Ms. Vincent" allowing her to walk through the door. Elena looked at Bob and said in a friendly voice "Well then we shall make it even… Please call me Elena." Bob responded with a warm smile "Very Well Elena!"

The department was just magical to Elena with different illustrations and sketches around the cloak boards hanging on the walls. She could feel the inspiration and energy running through her the moment she saw different sketches and concepts pinned onto the boards. People were freely working sipping coffee, drawing, and brainstorming, laughing with other co-workers, and it seems the place feels like home to all of them. They had some modern pop music on in the radio not too loud but to an extent, it was audible within the department walls. Bob walked to the middle of the department with the employees and workstations around him from where he was standing and announced "Attention everyone… We have someone new who will be joining us from today…Please welcome Ms. Elena Vincent." He pointed his plump fingers and broad palms towards Elena and everyone looked at her giving a welcoming expression with friendly smiles. A young guy wearing a shirt with folded sleeves over a t-shirt and a beige trouser responded "Hi Elena, welcome!" Elena smiled and thanked the young boy.

A middle-aged woman with red hair spoke to Bob standing from the desk right next to the glass cabin holding a telephone receiver in her hand saying "Excuse me Bob…Jeff would like to you and also Elena." Bob nodded to her replying "Thanks Gail" with a smile and turned to Elena showing her the way to the door giving the signal to go to Jeff's office. They walked to the CEO's office and Bob knocked on the beautifully crafted hardwood door. They heard a rough stern voice saying "Come in please!" Bob opened the door allowing Elena to step in first and walked into Jeff's office closing the door behind him. Jeff was wearing a nice charcoal grey suit looking handsome and appealing.

Jeff glanced at Elena and said "Oh Elena, welcome aboard and we have some assignment for you. I have informed HR and they will attend with the employee registration processes within the day." He turned to Bob and uttered in a dominant voice "I want Elena to sit where Reid was sitting, that way you can access her easily and I don't have to walk into the creative department all the time." Bob smiled and nodded "Yes that is a great idea."

Jeff calmly said, "Please have a seat, we have a new task to get our hands on and I want Elena to be a part of it her very first official task."

Bob and Elena sat on the visitor chairs and Jeff in his seat handing over a file to Bob saying "This was sent by Christopher yesterday and it had being rejected by four of our competitors by now!" While bob was reading what was inside the file Jeff kept four heavy manuscripts on the table looking at Elena. He gave the manuscripts to Elena and told her with a formal voice "Read and let us know what you think…Tell us if any of these would have a good shot if published any and if so what triggers it. Do you understand?" Elena nodded and replied calmly "Yes! I will get back to you by evening…" Jeff looked surprised and Elena noticed Bob was surprised same as Jeff with both their attention on her looking full of doubt. Jeff asked "By evening! Are you sure?" Elena smiled calmly and said in a sweet soft voice "Yes by evening!" Jeff leaned back giving her eye contact and a slight smile on his face said "Well then… I suppose you should get on with it right away… I will ask HR to help to settle down and do the needful to start your work."

He leaned forward and picked up the receiver dialing an extension uttering "Hi Jen! Please do the needful to settle our recruit and provide stationary and whatever she will need." He kept the phone and as they stood up and walked out to leave the office room with Elena holding the manuscripts and turned to Jeff to look at him, she noticed Jeff was looking at her and checking her out without making it obvious. As soon as they were out from Jeff's room a lady wearing a light green dress with grey court shoes walked up to her smiling. "Hi Elena, I am Jennifer… Jeff asked me to help you to settle down and provide you with the necessities."

Bob said in a polite voice "Well then I assume you will be alright from here… If you need anything let me know my extension is 106!"

Elena thanked him and walked to the little room with Jennifer right next to Jeff's office. It had an ordinary single hardwood door and one clean office desk and chair, one visitor chair, filing cupboard, and bundles of paper on the floor and the visitor chair. Jennifer said walking into the room "Sorry about the mess Elena after Reid passed away the selection process of manuscripts was piled up. He was the fastest reader I have ever seen and never misses a hit story."

Elena asked curiously "What happened to him?" Jennifer responded with great disappointment "He had an accident on his way home from work and his head was injured badly. I guess the doctors did everything they could but couldn't save him." Elena responded softly "I am sorry to hear that."

Jennifer handed over a pack of stationery telling "I will send you a copy with the list of extensions!" As she walked towards, she paused turning back at Elena saying "Oh Elena… You can call me Jen!" Giving a sweet and warm smile.

Elena was pleased and the people treating her so well, and she looked around her office. Her inner voice had no confidence that she would get this job because she did not have anything to prove she fits the role. However within her, she knows she is blessed with boundless talents and capabilities for the job, well not many could read a book in a few seconds from word to word and line to line. There was a glass wall on her left that separates her office and Jeff's which was covered with a sticker of scenery. The picture was a cold night forest lighted with beautiful moonlight, and it felt just right for Elena. She muttered to herself "The exact place I would love to be!"

She picked up the manuscripts finished all four with just turning pages as if the pages of the entire book is blown to a wind. The first, second, third, and fourth where she explained everything in detail and the right decision with the reasons that blew everyone away in the meeting room. Jeff was looking at her as if he expected all that and there was no surprise on his face, but the rest of the faces in the board meeting had their jaws dropped. It had to be the first few weeks and the manuscripts piled up on Elena's office floor and the table is now completely in the places it's supposed to be.

Elena was waiting at Jeff's office for a discussion about the new sales figures and she noticed the scenery was not just decoration to the wall but also a one-way sticker. Technically he can see her office without her noticing. "He might as well not look at all with that damn sticker if he does not want to be visible!" she muttered. She heard the door opening behind her and he walked in with a bright smile on his face and sat on his seat saying "Good morning Elena! I have to say you are doing a wonderful job so far and you are a fast worker. It's not quite right to compare anyone by telling this in person, and especially when it comes to your employees but you are way faster than Raid." She responded calmly "I know! I mean thank you!

Jeff was about to ask Elena to work a bit late till night to make an excuse to spend some time to get to know her more.

It was not possible when the darkness falls and he turns into something different than the human who is the CEO of Focus House. It was too soon to unfold everything to Elena.

He doubtingly requested "Elena I would like to speak to you about a few things regarding the expansion of our services to some new genres and authors, but the office setting is too distracting for me to discuss this freely. I would like to speak to you about it over the weekend, and I know it might not be fair to give up your weekend for work-related matters.

He stood up and walked around to the window overlooking the town saying "But if you can it would mean a lot to me as your employer… I am sorry if…"

Before he said anything further she said "Shall we meet up for a coffee or lunch?" Jeff turned around to face her looking pleased and said with a pleasant voice "Is it alright with you to come over to my place?"

Elena responded calmly with a soft voice "Yes" and Jeff's face lit up saying "Great! I will ask Mark, my driver to pick you up around 3.30 pm? It is not the ideal time in general but I would prefer the earliest time available for you." If Elena was just an ordinary girl who lived in a small apartment nothing more than a human, there is a high possibility to find the time and the situation very awkward. Before the night falls was ideal for Elena as it is to Jeff. They both have one thing In common which is their identities hidden as a secret.

Jeff was attracted to Elena from the very first day he saw her, and with his own identity of not being just an ordinary person sees her as very special. But does he know who she is? Will she find out who he is and what would happen next is the mystery they both need to unfold and accept. It is a strong business relationship but Jeff has his heart captured by this mysterious woman Elena apart from being one of his best employees.
