
A Raven

Searing pain roused Markos from a heavy slumber. Purple and red bled into the deep blue of the night sky beyond darkened boughs. Crisp air chilled him despite the heavy furs and the warmth of the camp fire beside him. He shook his head as he tried to clear his thoughts.

"Nightmare?" Caelyn set a kettle over the fire. The templar didn't met his gaze as he set about preparing breakfast.

"It was the dragon again. What do you think it means?"

"Hard to say. Might be Teiwaz blessing you with a vision of what's to come. If the cycle continues, we will be the ones to slay the Demon Dragon when he wakes."

"Do you feel a pull Northward?" Iliana emerged from the darkness, her long auburn hair damp and her body steaming. The orange gown that served as her underdress clung to her curves. Markos shifted his gaze.

"No. I just feel a hunger and pain, betrayal." Markos shivered and huddled closer to the fire. Iliana's appearance stirred other thoughts that he quelled with the morning chill. He saw Iliana moving out of the corner of his eye and pulling on the rest of her robes. It never ceased to amaze him that Embers didn't feel the effects of the cold like humans did. They thrived in the North and winter where all else struggled.

"Things to reflect on." Caelyn's gaze shifted towards a raven that landed beside him. He pulled a piece of paper from its leg and offered it a piece of dried meat from a pouch on his belt. It eagerly took the food and fluttered to a low hanging tree branch. "It looks like we will be headed north after all. There was a sighting at the wall."

Markos stared. "What was sighted? An aphotic?"

Caelyn's expression was serious. "Yes. I hoped to train you a bit more before taking you on a hunt, but we're the closest ones. It looks like your initiation will start sooner than planned."

"I thought there was more to the process of being a Templar?"

"Normally, yes. We'll eat and break camp. The Wardens are waiting for us."

"I know a way through that'll cut the time." Iliana removed a map from her pack and unrolled it. She pointed to their location and drew a line towards the mountains. Caelyn considered their options and the different routes they could take.

"It'll be a hard ride but we can make it there with these horses before nightfall if we push through." He lightly tapped his chin. "Actually, we'd move faster with the Temple horses. Markos, can your horse find its way back to the Arand manor without you?"

Markos pursed his lips together. He looked to his horse, they were still close to the manor. "Yes, I can pull my equipment and turn him back."

"Good. Iliana can ride with you."

The rest of the morning passed quickly as gear was distributed between horses and a reply send via raven. Markos sat on top of the Temple horse, its thick coat and mane were pitch black save a white spot on its forehead. It flicked its tail as it waited for its riders to finish. He extended a gloved hand towards Iliana and helped her onto the saddle in front of him. He wasn't an initiated templar and they hadn't the time to bring him a Maraium cuirass or sword, so he only wore the a simple steel cuirass of the Arands over a black heavy wool gambeson and a fur lined white cloak.

With his arms around Iliana he was conscious of her body heat. It would have been uncomfortable if it wasn't so cold. He remembered the press of her lips against his and squashed down the surge of emotions that accompanied it. Iliana hadn't said anything about the kiss nor had they any more time alone since that moment. It tied his heart into knots. 'What was that about?'

Caelyn brought his snowy white horse alongside them. "Ready?" Markos nodded. Caelyn donned his helmet and indicated that Markos do the same. "Better to have some sort of barrier from the wind."

Once inside the insulated helmet, Markos felt less self-conscious. He urged his horse after Caelyn as they took off through the woods.


Iliana's shortcut took them through a hidden path that cut through the mountain. Conversation was lost to the wind and the thundering of hooves. When they emerged from the narrow trail, they found themselves on the other side of the jagged teeth of the Northern mountain at the base of a large wall carved into the cliff's face. Torches burned atop the ledge. Markos squinted and could make out guards standing watch above them.

Iliana raised her head and sent a orb of light upward. After a few moments, large wooden doors parted with a loud grinding of gears and chains. Caelyn gestured for Markos to follow as they rode inside. Once they passed through the gates, they found themselves in a large courtyard. People in heavy grey cloaks bustled around them.

"Sir Caelyn Talon?" A grizzled man approached them from an inner rampart, thick black fur gathered around his shoulders as the hood of his cloak fell away. His lower face was covered by a heavy scarf that made his icy eyes stand out against the pale of his skin.

"Aye. Are you Captain Cameron?" Caelyn dismounted and lifted the visor of his helmet up.

"I am he. Thank you for coming so quickly. I wasn't expecting you for another couple of days at least in this weather."

While Caelyn and Cameron talked, Markos helped Iliana down from the horse.

"Ah, forgive me. Teiwaz's blessings and Saule's light upon you, Sister." Cameron bowed his head reverently when he noticed Iliana.

Iliana bowed her head in response. "May their wisdom and light guide you from darkness." She smoothed the hood of her cloak back and stared off into the distance. "How long has this been going on?"

"At least a fortnight, We thought it was bears or wolves at first but then... "

"This is Helka Iliana and my apprentice, Markos." Caelyn placed a firm hand on Cameron's shoulder. "We can discuss the rest of the details inside. Not all of us fair as well as an Ember in the snow."
