
It's been so long...

=Days Later=

Rin climbed the Marine's Base walls to see Zoro. She have been visiting Zoro from time to time.

"Yo, Zoro! How're you holding up?" Rin asked.

"Did you come here just to annoy me?" Zoro asked.

"Nope. How much longer do you have to be tied up anyway?" Rin asked.

"Ten days." Zoro answered.

"You sure you can survive?" Rin asked.

"Of course I can. I'm gonna survive this." Zoro answered.

"Hey! Get out of here!" said a marine officer.

"Oops! Gotta run. Bye, Zoro." Rin said as she cover her head with her cloak. She runs away till she lost the marine officer. She took off her cloak and put it inside the inventory. She went to the inn she's staying. She lay down on the bed.

Rin yawned as she stretches her arms. 'Let's see how Akiko's doing.' Rin thought.

"System, open the chat function." Rin commanded.


Rin: Akiko, how're you doing?

Akiko: Except for the fact that I'm bored, I'm fine.]

'Not my problem if you're bored.' Rin thought.

[Rin: I think Luffy is going to show up today, so I'll come back after seeing him.

Akiko: Finally. I'm dying from boredom.]

'This inn is at the main streets so, I should be able to see him from the window.' Rin thought before checking the window.

Few minutes later,

'Maybe I should go to the harbour after all...' Rin thought. She leaves the inn and starts walking to the harbour.

Before she arrives she saw a group of people jumping away from a certain boy.

'That's...' Rin thought. She went to get a closer look at the boy. 'That's... that's really...' Rin thought. When the view of the boy finally becomes clear Rin smiles with joy. "Luffy!" Rin called.

"Hm?" Luffy turn towards the voice and sees Rin. "Rin!" Luffy said while running towards Rin.

"You finally sets sail." Rin said.

"Yup! I missed you, Rin!" Luffy said with a big smile.

"Yeah, It's been so long..." Rin said.

"Luffy-san!" Screamed a boy behind Luffy.

Rin look towards the boy chasing after Luffy. The boy have a short stature and pink hair. 'That must be Coby.' Rin thought.

"Who's that?" Rin asked while pointing towards Coby.

"That's Coby! He's my friend." Luffy said.

"Who's this?" Coby asked once he catch up with Luffy.

"She's my big sister!" Luffy answered.

"W-what!?" Coby asked

Rin smiled and said "I'm Rin. Nice to meet you."

"Ah. Nice to meet you too." Coby said while bowing. "Wait... Rin? The merciful bounty hunter, Puppeteer Rin?" Coby asked.

Rin sighed. "That name is soo lame... why the heck did they give me that name..."Rin muttered with disappointment. 'Originally I want to fight with a katana like Okumura Rin but... I have almost zero talent in swordsmanship so I decided to fight like Kankuro using my devil fruit ability since it's easier and safer but now they call me a puppeteer... and since I never kill my target they call me "merciful"...' Rin thought.

"Some people said she never took a person's life. Others said she's a saint. They also said..." Coby continues but got cut off by Rin.

"Stop! Just stop... I'm feeling enough cringe already..." Rin said with embarrassment.

"Ah. Sorry..." Coby apologized. "Oh! We heard Pirate Hunter Zoro is at this town's Marine's Base. Is it true?" Coby asked.

"Yeah, he is. Why?" Rin asked.

"I'm gonna ask him to join my crew!" Luffy answered.

"You're Luffy's big sister, right? You should tell him to stop trying to recru-" again Coby got cut off by Rin.

"Sure, why not." Rin said to Luffy while shrugging.

"Are you serious?!" Coby asked from shock.

"But wether or not he wants to is a different story." Rin continued.

"I'll see if he's a good guy or not then I'll ask him to join!" said Luffy.

"Are you ignoring me?" Rin asked.

"I'm gonna go take a look at him now!" Luffy said before running towards the Marine's Base.

"He's ignoring me..." Rin said to herself.

Rin and Coby followed Luffy to the Marine's Base.

When they arrived they saw Luffy trying to climb the walls.

"Hey, Luffy-san! What are you doing?!" Coby asked.

"Where's the demonic beast?" Luffy asked.

"He wouldn't be out here. He's probably in solitary confinement deep underground." said Coby.

"There he is! Perfect!" said Luffy. He went to climb the left side of the walls. "Look it's him!" said Luffy.

"It can't be him." Coby said while climbing the walls. When he sees Zoro he confirmed that's Pirate Hunter Zoro.

"If we untie him, he can escape." Luffy said.

"D-don't such stupid things! Who knows what'll happen to us if we set him loose! He'll probably try to kill you Luffy-san!" Coby yelled.

"No problem. I'm strong. Plus, my big sister is here." said Luffy.

"You guys. I'm feeling a little annoyed today because of a certain girl so... mind getting lost." said Zoro.

'A certain girl? Oh yeah... I've been annoying him lately...' Rin thought. She leaned over the walls and saw Rika coming over with a ladder.

Coby got scared of Zoro and said "Luffy-san, if you try to recruit him for your crew, it'll be the end of you!"

Rika climbed up the walls using the ladder she's bringing. She shush Luffy and Coby before climbing down the walls and walk towards Zoro.

Worrying about the little girl, Coby said "Oh no! Luffy-san please stop her! She'll be killed!"

"What is it?" Zoro asked the little girl.

"You must be hungry. I made you some onigiri." the little girl answered.

"You're gonna get yourself killed, shorty. Beat it" said Zoro.

"You haven't eaten anything for soo long. Here!" said Rika while showing the onigiri she made. "This is my first attempt, but... I tried really hard!" said Rika.

Zoro declined Rika's offer and told her to go away but Rika didn't want to. Helmeppo came and snatched an onigiri from the girl and complains saying "Onigiri should be made with salt not sugar!" Afterwards he stomps on the onigiri and ordered one of the marine officer to throw Rika over the walls. Luffy catches her before she hits the ground. After Helmeppo leaves Zoro, Luffy went to meet Zoro face to face. Zoro ask Luffy to bring the stomped onigiri to him. Luffy reluctant at first but Zoro insist on eating the onigiri. Zoro ate it and told Luffy "It was delicious. Thanks for the food." Afterwards behind the local bar, Luffy told Rika about Zoro eating the onigiri.

"Really!?" Rika asked.

"Yeah, he ate all of it." Luffy answered.

"I'm soo happy!" said Rika.

"Is Zoro as evil as people say?" Coby wonders.

"No!" Rika answered. She tells Luffy and Coby the real reason Zoro got held by the Marines. Helmeppo gets inside the bar and starts talking about executing Zoro. Luffy, who accidentally overheard Helmeppo's words went and punch him. Helmeppo threatened to tell Captain Morgan to execute Luffy and ran out of the bar.

"Hm? Where are you going, Luffy?" Rin asked Luffy who is exiting the bar.

"I'm gonna go and ask Zoro to become my nakama." Luffy answered.

"... Okay. I'll be waiting here." Rin said. 'Too lazy to intervene...' Rin thought.
