


Danny woke with a start. Hovering over him was a beautiful woman with a wild mess of long red hair. Her eyes were the darkest he’d ever seen, her face expressionless. Scrambling back and away from under her, he eyed her cautiously.

“Who are you?” he asked.

The woman didn’t move or speak.

He glanced around for any more surprises, but the area was bare of any other soul, much to his relief. “Who are you?” he repeated, combing back some of the hair that had fallen into his face. He could barely move his cold fingers.

When she didn’t respond, he clumsily stood up, keeping his gaze fixed on her.

“Look, if you’re lost, we can help each other. It would help if you spoke. Are you lost?”

The woman slowly shook her head.

“Great, well, I’m actually lost, but you might have guessed that. Happen to see any other women in this forest since you’ve been here?”

The red mass surrounding the entirety of her body shifted only slightly when she calmly nodded.
