
Chapter 85: Background Action V

[Hell's Kitchen, New York City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Entering his apartment, Matthew Murdock stopped in his tracks, since he could sense someone else was inside waiting for him.

[Insert Image of MCU Matthew Murdock/Daredevil Here]

Someone he didn't know.

Using his enhanced senses he determined the unknown person was seated on his living room couch.

Along with the fact she was female.

"Why hello there Mr. Murdock. Do come and take a seat. This is your home after all, and I did come here to have a proper conversation with you." The woman.

"Funny." Matt dryly replied. "If this is your definition of what it means to try and have a proper conversation with someone then you and I see the world in very different ways. Now leave, or else I'll call the police. Maybe better yet so much noise one of my neighbors calls the police."

"You could do that. But if you did then I'd be forced to expose your nightly activities to the police." The woman said.

"Mam, I'm sure I don't know wh-"

-The Devil of Hell's Kitchen." The woman spoke. Interrupting Matt. "I wonder how people would react if they found out someone who is sworn touphold the laws goes out every night and breaks them? Hm, now wouldn't that be an interesting story of the Good Morning America morning news?"

Hearing this Matt felt slightly angered.

But he quickly reigned it in.

For the most part .

Since he knew he had his interactions with this woman seated before him.

"Alright, you win." Matt said.

He then moved to take a seat in one of his living room chairs.

"Thank you Mr. Murdock. My name is Jessica Drew just so you know." Jessica spoke. "So as I was saying earlier, I just want to have a conversation with you."

"About what?" Matt asked.

"About stemming crime in the city of New York." Jessica replied. "You see I work for the king of Latveria, Victor Von Doom. Who has many goals. One of them being making the world a better place. And he does this in various ways. One of which is aiding EVO's he deems worthy of his support. Along with their causes. Both categories which you fall into Mr. Murdock." She spoke.

"I see." Matt replied. "And how would Victor Von Doom aid me?" He asked.

"First off he would provide you with a proper suit, instead of those pajamas you wear when you go out and deal with criminals. Secondly, he would work to make it so you could openly work with the police. Third, he would give the law firm you and your best friend Mr. Nelson started some much needed cash flow. By providing you with reputable clients that can actually pay you. Many of whom would be EVO's. He would also do so much more." Jessica explained.

Matt knowing she wasn't lying thanks to his enhanced senses.

Still, that didn't mean he trusted her.

Not this offer she was presenting for her king, Doom.

"Of course I'm not expecting any sort of answer tonight. Take some time, think about it, discuss it with those you can. And then when you've made a decision, call the number on this card." Jessica said.

She then quickly took a business card out of her pocket and flicked it directly at Matt's face.

Which the man easily caught.

"Right. Well you've given me a lot to think about." Matt said.

"I know I have. Well then goodnight Mr. Murdock." Jessica said.

She then took her leave from his apartment.

Leaving Matt alone.

Where he soon became lost in his thoughts, contemplating Jessica offer.

Though that stopped for a moment as the door to his apartment opened up again.

But this time it was someone familiar to Matt who entered it.

His long time girlfriend, Elektra Natchios.

[Insert Image of MCU Elektra Here]

Closing the door behind her Elektra saw Matt sitting in the chair and could instantly tell he wasn't alright.

"My love, what is wrong?" She asked him.

"I had a visitor tonight. Who just gave me an offer that sounds too good to be true." Matt replied. "Though if it is true, and I take it, everything could change." He spoke.

"Tell me." Elektra said.

She then moved to take a seat on the couch.

While Matt began explaining his meeting with the mysterious Jessica Drew.


Disgust, fear, and anger.

These were the strongest emotions Jessica Jones was experiencing at the moment.

[Insert Image of Jessica Jones Here]

Yet she couldn't express them.

Instead she could only wear a smile on her face.

All thanks to the man currently standing in front of her.

Who sported purple skin, and whose name was Zebediah Kilgrave.

[Insert Image of Zebediah Kilgrave Here]

Ever since he opened his mouth and talked to Jessica a few minutes ago she had been unable to do anything but follow his commands.

Which included breaking into a car, and beating up several bystanders.

Using the full extent of her powers.

Which Kilgrave had caught a glimpse of her using before.

That's why he became interested in her.

Beginning her living nightmare.

"Well I must say, you are quite a delight Jessica Jones." Kilgrave told her.

Looking her body up and down.

"If you're this much fun on your feet I wonder how much fun you would be on your knees in front of me?" Kilgrave said.

Jessica wanting to throw up after hearing those words.

"What day you and I test my ide-"


Before Kilgrave could finish his sentence a giant hole appeared in his head, smearing bits of his blood and brain matter on Jessica face and clothes.

But since the bastard in front of her was dead she didn't really care.

Before Kilgrave even hit the ground Jessica could already start to feel her control return to her.

When she did she let out an audible sigh of relief.

She even started to cry a bit.

Since her living nightmare, no matter how short it was, was now over.

Though as relief washed over her Jessica couldn't help but wonder who had killed Kilgrave.

The superhuman female for her an answer to her question a moment later as several black SUV's rolled up and surrounded her and Kilgrave's body.

After they did many people began exiting them.

Many moving to attend to Kilgrave's corpse.

While some even attended to her.

Like wiping the blood and brain matter off her face.

Once that was done a woman came forward and gently took Jessica's hands in her own. Giving her a comforting look.

"It's okay. You're safe now Jessica. That filth in human skin can never hurt you, or anyone else ever again." The woman told her.

"I...okay." Jessica managed to say. "Am, who are you people?" She suddenly found herself asking.

"We're here to help." The woman said. "But if you're asking who I am then my name is Jessica Drew. So again, nice to meet you Jessica." Jessica Drew spoke.

Putting a smirk on her face.

Which in turn made Jessica Jones do the exact same thing without even realizing it.

Which began to dissipate the bad emotions she was feeling and replace them with good ones.

Most of all the feeling of hope.
