
Chapter 126: Choice

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

(The story is Finished in there)


Chapter 126: Choice


Looking towards my opponents, it was quite the line-up. The New Admiral, Fujitora, was someone who had been promoted directly to Admiral Rank as soon as he officially joined the Marines. 

Normally that would be outside of the protocol. But the Marines were desperate, they only had Kizaru as a top power willing to serve the Celestial Dragons. Normally Admirals were direct subordinates of the World Nobles, but if they asked me to do something I didn't want to, I would just give an excuse. What were they gonna do? Fight me? 

Authority only works on weak people. Now I could refuse them and do whatever I want. So why would I listen to some old fogey men? 

Because of me, they desperately needed Admirals who followed orders. 

If someone attacked a World Noble, I wouldn't care no matter how much the World Government screamed in my ears. Of course, there was one exception to this, if it was Sharlia then I would go and protect her. But other than that, the World Nobles dying was a good thing for me.

"This is quite the lineup," I complimented them, acting as if I hadn't noticed the CP-0 Agent in the sky, getting ready to attack as soon as I showed weakness. Also, Kizaru was looking at the battle from far away, so he might get involved. So I had to keep an eye on him too.

"Hahaha," Fujitora laughed. "You are also way stronger than I expected. Initially plan A was to sink you while you were off guard. The seas would do the rest of the job. But you have Future Sight?"

Well, he was a pleasant guy, if we weren't enemies he would be in my crew. I wouldn't even stop him from carrying his justice, because he was just that important. But sadly, outside of his polite demeanor, I could tell that he didn't feel that friendly towards me. He wasn't the only one who could sense emotions by using Observation Haki. "Then, Admiral Fujitora, be ready, I am about to attack."


I transformed back into my human form with a dragon hybrid and attacked him. My fist went at supersonic speeds towards his head, but he barely was able to pull up his sword and block.


He was pushed back from my punch. He winced, trying to right his position, but it was hard, even as he used his Gravity Power to stop himself from blasting off. My body became even heavier, he was trying to push me into the water. This battlefield above the water was extremely beneficial to Fujitora, but I was stronger than him on everything else so the advantage that would have decided most battles didn't mean much now.

[Roaring Tiger]

A giant tiger made out of dark gravity power roared and jumped at me, it wasn't an attack that could be dodged as it directly changed the flow of gravity around us. 

Suddenly, I was pushed away as the tiger got close to me and I shot off like a bullet. 

It felt like I was falling backward and being pushed at the same time as the gravity was stronger than normal.


I kicked off the air, stopping my descent sideways. But in that instant, the direction of the gravity changed and I was pushed down as if a mountain was on top of me. But I flapped my dragon wings, creating a heavy wind, and stopping me from falling down.

"Damn, that was Plan B, but you didn't fall for it. This is why fighting against guys with Future Sight is so troublesome, you can't take them by surprise at all." Fujitora said good-heartedly. 

I smiled at that.

Well, there was some truth to it. The plan was good, and if I didn't have future sight, I would have been smashed into the sea by gravity while still laying down on my ship. It was quite the disastrous future I saw back there.

Now I want that Gravity Devil Fruit so bad! Just imagining its uses makes me want it even more. I could flip the sea on its head, though I could already do that with the Quake Fruit, it wasn't something that could be easily controlled. 

"Ara~ that greed in you is quite a scary thing," Fujitora commented. "You're one terrifying guy."

My smile only became wider and my body bulked up, I was entering Emperor Form. But this time it was in Dragon Form. I gathered the Quake powder in my hand and charged at the Admiral.

"Oy, oy, oy, no one told me about that!" He yelled, quickly slashing over a dozen times, trying to push me away and down into the sea. But it was useless because while it slowed me down, my body wouldn't budge to his power.

Suddenly the sea exploded and a giant wave shot out as if its gravity had been tilted on the opposite side. Since it was moving water, even as a Devil Fruit user this won't be a problem for me to move in. Especially with some Devil Fruits that I had in my possession.

Unfortunately, my future sight told a different story. Because as soon as I enter that water and try to pass through, the gravity will be centered on me and a bubble will be created around my body. Meaning that this was all a trap. 

Seeing that I had stopped, Fujitora was feeling a little dejected. 

Did he think I was excited enough to have my Observation Haki fogged enough to not use Future Sight?


With a simple punch, I made a hole in the water wave and saw Fujitora on the other side. He tried to move back, knowing that if we fought in hand-to-hand combat, he would lose horribly.

Though I was still holding back a little by not using the Quake Fruit. But this was because Negan had engaged the CP-0 agent in the sky and seemed to be winning. I didn't want to show all my cards here either, many eyes were looking at us. Even a submarine underwater had now entered my range. Were they planning to kill me off before anyone could save me in case I fell underwater?

Thankfully I never went around showing that I could see the future as Katakuri did. It would be dumb to expose a hidden card like that because it could be taken advantage of. Just like I did during the Wholecake Massacre, even though Katakuri could see the future, he couldn't stop it.

Now I will bury that secret again after killing Fujitora and everyone else watching this. My enemies only needed to know that I was strong to be intimidated, not how my power worked. That could turn into a disadvantage and people are creative, even the strongest powers have weaknesses within them.

Suddenly two lasers shot at me just as I was about to get close to Fujitora. I could have taken some injury and killed the Admiral, but I decided against it.

Tilting my head and arm, I dodged both attacks and looked toward the direction of my attacker. "Kizaru, have you made your choice?"

The light Admiral's body slowly formed next to Fujitora. He had his usual unreadable look, and his emotions were clouded too so I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Yooo~ you have become so monstrous, Max." He said, in his usual slow-mannered speech. "But yes, I have made my choice now."

He made a sword of light and swung it…

Something that surprised even me happened.


A/N: Fujitora's fruit is pretty good, especially in a flying battle. He can push opponents away and into the sea, after that the fight would be over. Though he is still being pushed back by Max.
