
First Patient

Walking back to the clinic in disguise, I can already see the construction work. Mostly handled by dwarves, the second floor was the one mostly under renovation.

I can see the kids helping Hilda move in furniture and shelves.

This will be my base in the future and now that I know how a forge masters room looks like I intend to build one here with a Chemistry/Alchemy lab.

I have already mapped out the kids training and my own. Hilda has already volunteered herself as my accounting manager and another Valkyrie named Prudr as my custodian.

As I was drawing plans for the lab on the second floor for the workers to set up, I heard Sif yell my name from downstairs.


How do we have a customers so early.

I walked down to see an auburn haired woman with bags under her eyes, and a type of limp on her leg.

Being close to her I could smell the smell of rot.

Looks like I am dealing with necrosis.

Moving to her, I asked her with perfect bedside manners, "mam we are currently under construction but seeing as you are my first customer, ill see if I can help."

She looked at me relieved.

Hilda on the other hand pointed out "although he will try his best my lady, do understand that Prince Loki is very young and his unique style of medicine will likely require alchemy. There a chance he has a solution to your problem but won't have the healing medicine on him."

She had a very melodic voice when she told me, "Thank you for warning me. I'm aware of my circumstance, but the other druids have no idea how to combat my issue. They gave me the Life potion but it still returned the next day. My only hope is the young master."

I nodded and Hilda and then confronted the woman, "I can only do my best mam. As long as you are my patient you can call me doctor and not prince."

She nodded at me confirming she knew the risks.

I then gestured to her and started escorting her to the back room. The back room had some workers installing the large desk in the back.

"Boys can you leave for a moment, I am sure my patient doesn't want her privacy ruined."

The dwarfs working turned to look at me and the patient and slightly felt embarrassed. "We will finish this later.

Looking at the patient room, they followed my instructions to make a hard wood bed with a light cushion on top for patients.

I wish I had Alfred here. He would have taken care of so many problems here.

"Please sit on the bed."

The woman went ahead and sat on it.

I then take down a small notepad. "Now what seems to be the problem." Im prepared to do a differential diagnosis if need be at this point.

"I was traversing the forest when I was bitten by a snake on my leg. Ever since then, my legs started turning purple and swelling followed by it turning black and my skin peeling," she said very nervous.

I'm writing extremely fast in my doctors handwriting in English. I figure no one's will care about scribbles like these.

"What treatments have the druids given you?"

"The Life Potion and they removed the toxin in my blood using an anti-venom. They were scared to give me the Life potion again after my ailment returned"

Thinking about this situation, I have a good idea what's going on. Some snake bites are notorious for causing infections. This can be a mixture of the venom itself or the teeth of the snake carrying bacteria. These infections when left u treated can lead to Necrosis in the worst situations.

Putting my hand in her I said, "Okay hold still, I'm gonna examine your life."

Looking at her life force I can see her immune system in full battle mode with it glowing extremely bright. Theres an infection clearly in her leg and there's a lot of strong stem cells in the area, likely left over from the Life serum. I also see some patches of darkness indicating a lack of life force or necrosis. If untreated I might have to cut limbs and I don't want to do that.

The life potion likely replace the necrotic cells with fresh ones but never removed the underlying infection.

"You are in luck. I have just the thing for you." I said. "I recently devised a treatment for your condition but it'll take me a day to actualize. I need to use alchemy to complete it. I'm gonna give you two minor life positions. One to use now, and one to use midday afternoon tomorrow. I will have someone deliver the medicine tomorrow to your place of residence. From there you will take one tablet everyday for ten days."

Hearing my response her worries slightly relieved. She looked happier.

"Please come with me so we can take your information down," I said this gesturing to her.

Walking out I see Sif.

"Sif, do you know how to write yet?"

"I recently learned most words Loki. Aren't I smart?" She said with a smile.

"Perfect", I said ripping out a page out of my notes. "write down her name, age, height, residence, and her history of injuries for our records. I need you to learn how to do this efficiently."

"Okay Loki, I'll do my best." She said this with a happy voice which made me look at Nix who nodded at me. Looks like he will check her work.

"Here are your life potions", I said giving it to her.

"Remember the procedure, and do not take both potions all at once," I said to her. I then turned around and walked away.

I need to be quick and efficient with patients. If I'm not, I won't have time to do anything. Recently I found a penicillin in a mold on a plant delivered to me. With all the crazy ness of the last few days, I haven't had time to look at it. I haven't even had time to test it. I tested the Gentamicin first but that treatment likely isn't viable here and might harm her.

I intend to turn that Penicillin into Ampicillin by changing its structure using another catalyst. Ampicillin is a more updated version of Penicillin in the world of medicine and can be used for more situations. I originally was going to do it over the course of this weeks construction but I guess I'll have to do it tomorrow after forging. It's the perfect remedy for this woman.

In spending this entire week setting up the pharmacy. First I have to produce several different medications for all kinds of situations. A lot of organic chemistry will be required. This makes me feel at home yet strangely depressed. In actuality I'm not a medicinal fiend. I'm more of a physics nerd.

[Your degree in pharmacology says otherwise]

That's just cause that was the plan handed to me and I felt I'd make more of a difference than with a degree in physics.

[I have read your memories. You actually learned modern day quantum mechanics on your own cause you were bored. That's not normal]

I wanted to know how the world works. This might be the reason why I'm obsessed with magic.

[You don't say]

In any case. My degree in pharmacology makes my alchemy useful and allows me to synthesize medications. I intend to have sulfa antibiotics, Ampicillin and Gentamicin as my only antibiotics for now. I'll make one drug for each category of stimulant, narcotic/Opiod, depressant and steroids. I'm avoiding hallucinogenic because those are usually abusive and go into more psychiatric care.

Stimulants are useful for many situations including curving hunger in obesity or help with daytime sleepiness. Caffeine for example is a mild stimulant that revolutionized the work force. Epinephrine is a classic drug to treat asthma. Most Aesir are fairly strong bodied but, genetic asthma and other upper pulmonary disease still exist.

[You can open your own coffee shop]

That'll be interesting.

I have opiods already but I'm very nervous to release that can of worms to the world. I might attempt to create a lower dose pain killer that doubles as a blood thinner.

[you mean Aspirin]

Exactly. Aspirin is easy to synthesize from willow tree leaves. A species of tree very similar to willow is very common in these northern parts. I'll have to have someone go collect the leaves of them in order to run tests.

On the plus side Aspirin is more than just a small pain killer. It is the most useful medication when it comes to heart disease. It is universally given to all patients during and after they have a heart attack. It in essence thins the blood.

Warfarin would be more useful as an anticoagulant, but I would have to spend more than a few weeks to synthesize it from lavender or grass.

I don't intend to tackle depressants more than alcohol currently. If opiods are dangerously addictive then let's not get started on depressants. They are similar except depressants dumb down the entire nervous system. Its extremely dangerous if abused. Alcohol is a mild depressant and has been abused for millennia. The only depressant I would consider would be drugs that help sleep.

Finally steroids. Steroids aren't just anabolic steroids people commonly associate with muscle growth. They are also primarily used to lesson inflammation. They are used during infection treatment. Corticosteroids are used in times where the immune system is acting up, Allergies.

They have many more uses as well and are commonly used as steroid hormones. Testosterone, Estrogen, and progesterone used in most birth controls are all steroid hormones.

In any case, I only have a week to synthesize several medications in my off time at night.

[Sounds like you aren't getting any sleep]

I'll sleep when I die
