

[You really are a mommas boy]

And I wear that sticker with pride my Goddess.

[Can't the guy I choose to give my blessing to be a bit more normal]

If I was normal you wouldn't give me the blessing in the first place.

[You aren't wrong but that's still no excuse to literally worship her. Whose the Goddess here]

Is that jealousy I sense?

[Pay attention to your mother please, she's teaching you something important!]

As my lovely Goddess pointed out, I am currently having my first official Natures Wrath class with my mother as my teacher.

We are currently in the same Courtyard I was training in yesterday.

"Loki I know your fairly bright so I want you to show me how you connect to nature." Said my mother sweetly.

Now most people would not understand what she meant because obviously, their not druids. That's basically Druid speak for turn on my nature's language ability which I subsequently did.

My mother noticing a shift in the wind said, "Good now close your eyes and just listen for a moment."

I followed her instructions and listened in. I'm currently starting to grow annoyed. There's too many voices in my head now. It was much worse when I was much younger since I did not know how to actively tune it out. Nowadays I've gotten used to it, but this exercise she's having me do is equivalent to me opening up the floodgates.

"Good now listen closely, and try and hear a rhythm in the voices," My mother pointed out while putting her hand on my head.

Honestly, I had no idea what she was talking about at first. I was likely concentrating so hard that I started sweating.

"Relax and take a deep breath. It'll come naturally. Don't try and force it." My mother said whipping off the beads of sweat on my head.

I followed her instructions and tried a different approach, instead of trying to focus hard I would do the opposite. I'd take a broader position in those voices. It was then that it happened. I heard them. Hidden in the backdrop, I heard a melody and rhythm of some sort.

Noticing I was smiling at some point my mother remarked "That's it now, just listen to the song for a moment."

It was intense yet soothing, Grand yet small. It's very hard to describe it. That was when a familiar bunch of fellows appeared in my mind. Two types of motes of lights appeared again. Blue and Purple colors surrounded me like fireflies. I opened my eyes to notice that I can see them physically as well. At first I was starting to become really cold then it was quickly followed by a slight numbing sensation.

"Triple Affinities?!" Said my mother shocked.

This feeling I was having was getting more intense to a point my mother stepped back. Frost starting forming on the grass around me and thunder clouds appeared overhead. My father had at some point appeared in the yard with Uncle Vili.

Then as if starting a chain reaction the thunder cloud spit out a bolt of lighting at me. I saw my father about to sprint at me but my mother had stopped him.

The lightning hit me, but did not hurt. At its point of impact, everything 5 feet around me froze. Two sigils appeared in my mind. One depicting a snow flake, the other showing a lightning bolt. Then just like the tree sigil before, they disappeared.

Then something different that didn't happen last time occurred. My left posterior shoulder had the sigils appear on them in order of Nature, Lightning, and Ice. Almost like a barcode across my shoulder. They looked like tattoos

If I'm not mistaken, these sigils represent my affinities. I knew this was a normal event that occurs when one connects to mana. Originally my tree sigil appeared to me while trying to feel mana in my mother's womb. Its the reason I was able to use Nature's language, the one skill necessary to use Druidic magic so early. I did not feel the other elements in the womb likely because there was none of those elements in my mothers womb. My mother is a druid with only one affinity to nature. It isn't uncommon to have dual affinities as a Druid. But to have three is very uncommon.

What's scary is that is not even all my affinities. If my stat sheet is correct, I have two more hidden affinities that haven't appeared. They haven't appeared now which means they have nothing to do with the druids systemic magic.

For now, I already have my work cut out for me.

I might as well focus on these affinities until I find the other ones to not overload myself.

[You don't have to lie you know. You are just making excuses because in your situation, you can't learn any other magic yet. I can tell it bothers you]

Of course it bothers me! I'm like a one in a million penta affinity genius.

[ conceited much! I thought you always said you weren't a genius]

I'm not because having more affinities isn't necessarily good because I have to spend more time mastering each of them. But even you have to admit, isn't It pretty cool the idea of using multiple elements.

[I wouldn't know, I have only had three affinities]

"....no way", I said aloud.

"Yes son you are a tri elemental affinity genius" said my mother shocking me out of my stupor.

[You are calling our conversation a stupor?!]

She was kneeling down to my eye level at this point. Behind her are the two old men who have both their mouths open.

"Doesn't this confirm it dear?" Said my father to my mother.

"Yes Bjorn, Loki here must have unlocked his original affinity while I was pregnant and only now has had the opportunity to unlock the rest. Even more rare is that one of his affinities is lightning. A fierce element not seen in a long time." Said my mother while turning between my father and me.

This is a good time to mention that men and women are equal in tribes. There's a lot of respect for women here and because of that my mother does not have to refer to my father as my Lord like everyone else.

[Yes and since men and women are equal, you shouldn't ignore this Goddess!]

How can I ignore you, you're literally in my head.

[Don't think I haven't figured out that your learning to actively erase my comments as I write them.]

I have no idea what your talking about.

"My child let's move onto the next part of the lesson now that we discovered your affinities." Said my mom once again stopping my conversation with the Goddess at the perfect time.

"Druids can use all the elements should they chose to but only the ones that they have affinities for would they be able to cast the strongest of spells. Since I only have one affinity I chose to focus on the Life School and Natures Servant studies. You on the other hand have talent in all three." My mother said excitedly but then thought of something and calmed down.

"I only know the basics for Natures Wrath and can guide you into the beginning. It's something all druids should know. But for more advanced training, you may have to visit Vanaheim." My mother said concerned.

"It's okay mother I can learn everything I can here and when I get bigger I can go visit Grandma and Grandpa in Vanaheim". I said trying to console her.

She laughed then hugged me.

"That's a good plan. In any case we will have to have drilled into you the basics of our families fighting style before then." Said my smiling Uncle. Which sent a shiver down my spine.
