
Nosy Cecil

In the Red Kingdom, Alys was fretting at the door as she thought that the guards were beginning to take too long to return from the errand that the queen must have sent them on.

One of the maids that had been warming herself' near the fire in the kitchen came to meet her where she was standing.

"Alys," the maid called.

Alys flinched and looked behind her to find the most maid walking towards her with an expression on her face that told Alys that the girl was looking for the latest gossip.

This was the last person that she wanted around her at that moment.

"I have been looking everywhere for you. The queen's breakfast is ready..." the maid informed her.

"So? Tell the other maids to carry it to her chambers," Alys responded curtly as she averted her gaze from the girl and looked outside the window that she had thrown the tray through.
