

It had seemed like Ruby knew who had written that letter, but Seth couldn't be sure. 

And, he didn't want to ask her. 

That would have opened a new wave of questions. Seth smiled when he remembered how she had reacted after she found the letter.

Seth knew that as long as she, Lily Who?... knew him, she would eventually come to him. He was not going to go asking about her or looking for wh had sent him a letter. 

That was what he was used to. Women... ladies... coming to him. He had never needed to go after a lady in his life- before Ruby, that is. 

He shrugged. 

Seth had to see Ling. He had to figure out a way to go about what his half-brother had asked him to do. In a way, Seth knew that it would eventually do him good. It would be in his favor. He had to make sure of that.
